View Full Version : Mental health referral?

21-04-11, 13:14
A few months back my doctor referred me for the mental health team. I have seen a psychologist before but I was seen my a therapist which helped me. I was paying for private counselling sessions a few months back too which I gave up.

But my anxiety is not really that bad anymore so I'm not too keen to go to this thing. Can I leave at anytime or go to the first appointment and not go back?

What can I expect if I go? I don't want advice saying I'll be 100% cured if I go and it's the answer and so are meds ect.. because I found my cure has been avoiding mental health boards and google and doing self help.

At the time of going to my GP it was all health anxiety which stopped after that. I really don't think they can tell me anything new/or what I don't already know. I was even given diazepam by my GP last time I went and I've never touched them or required them.

So really I'm inclined to cancel..get on with my life and recovery.

21-04-11, 13:20
I honestly think you need to go Phil .You are not completely free of anxiety and have ocd .Just because you feel a bit better at the moment dont be too hasty in refusing the help offered .I think you need to have an open mind here and they cant make you take meds if you dont want them ,Discuss truthfully about the problems you have had and let them help you .Good luck Sue x

21-04-11, 13:28
I honestly think you need to go Phil .You are not completely free of anxiety and have ocd .Just because you feel a bit better at the moment dont be too hasty in refusing the help offered .I think you need to have an open mind here and they cant make you take meds if you dont want them ,Discuss truthfully about the problems you have had and let them help you .Good luck Sue x

Thanks I know i'm not 100% anxiety free but I believe I can be as before I was looking for a cure or just coping or feeling a bit better.

I think in a few months I will be able to say I'm free of the anxiety.

21-04-11, 13:51
I don't want advice saying I'll be 100% cured if I go and it's the answer and so are meds ect.. because I found my cure has been avoiding mental health boards and google and doing self help.

Don't mean to be presumptous Phil but you keep saying this and still post on "MH boards". I think you should refrain from posting for a few weeks and see whether it really helps.

I agree with Suzy that you should go. No one will ram meds down your throat or impose their will on you but you must stick out the full course of therapy, and it sounds like you've been chucking the towel in far too soon. It's your condition that is making you feel like this - so negative about everything. I know the feeling only too well. But you must be open to receiving help. Otherwise it's just a pattern of avoidance.

I hope you understand Phil.

21-04-11, 14:01
Don't mean to be presumptous Phil but you keep saying this and still post on "MH boards". I think you should refrain from posting for a few weeks and see whether it really helps.

I agree with Suzy that you should go. No one will ram meds down your throat or impose their will on you but you must stick out the full course of therapy, and it sounds like you've been chucking the towel in far too soon. It's your condition that is making you feel like this - so negative about everything. I know the feeling only too well. But you must be open to receiving help. Otherwise it's just a pattern of avoidance.

I hope you understand Phil.

Yes I do understand I don't mean to sound negative about it but the GP is usually reluctant to go through the hassle of mental health referrals if the person can do self help or something. I think it's a last resort really..like it could divert off me getting over this as when it eased before it was after a course of help and I was just going out more.

If I was desperate or really struggling it would make sense to go but I feel on a better track now and if in a few months I'm going out anxiety free I don't think I can regret not going as I could always go back to the GP and ask for a referral should the anxiety kick in bad again? I've not even looked at the anxiety books in months sticking to one plan and self help CD's.

21-04-11, 14:21
Its completely up to you Phil .But the Dr may not want to refer you again if you turn this down .I do think you need to have some proffessional help alongside the self help . Sounds like some if the self help is working so dont give up .It s a for life thing ,and you will go back to square one if you dont practice this all the time .Did you ever have any CBT ? sue x

21-04-11, 14:52
If I was desperate or really struggling it would make sense to go but I feel on a better track now and if in a few months I'm going out anxiety free I don't think I can regret not going as I could always go back to the GP and ask for a referral should the anxiety kick in bad again? I've not even looked at the anxiety books in months sticking to one plan and self help CD's.

If you're willing to wait for another 'referral', then yes.

Which self-help books/CDs do you use Phil?

24-04-11, 00:25
So just to check they can't force me to go if I cancel can they?

Just getting slightly worried incase I phone to cancel they go back to the GP and pull me in again? Or would they just leave it?

24-04-11, 00:42
No one can force you to go Phil :)

24-04-11, 00:58
no they can only force you if you are a danger to yourself or others :hugs:
just be aware that by not going you might get labeled as uncomplient, as in unwilling to change,accept help,deal with your issues.

what are your reasons for not going?
personally if it's all free, you might as well see what its all about and if it's not for you, you could stop going.

I've my name down to see everyone and anyone I can, through my psychiatrist,
I'm not sure how long I will be waiting but I'm ready to try anything.

do you know whos on the mental health team?

Behavioural therapist
clinical psychologist
Cognitive behavioural therapist

Mental health social worker>
Another key function is 'psycho-education'. Psycho-education refers to work with individuals and their families to explain aspects of the mental illness. Psycho-education also involves offering coping strategies appropriate to the specific mental illness. Given that mental health service provision is sometimes fragmented, mental health social workers are committed to 'case management' or 'care management'. This refers to working with individuals with a view to ensuring continuity of care and the co-ordination of services. This helps to maximise their wellbeing and quality of life.

Occupational therapists provide services to people whose ability to cope with everyday activities is threatened or impaired in some way by physical, psychological or developmental problems

psychiatric nurse

Vocational supports trainer
Vocational training is a service provided for people whose lives have been disrupted by mental health problems and who wish to make a fresh start. It aims to provide participants with the skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary for progression into employment, further training, education, and self-employment. It also aims to provide participants with other work opportunities, the opportunity to rebuild self-confidence and restore self-worth and the opportunity to make new friends and develop hobbies and pastimes. A Vocational Training Centre provides activities such as woodwork, metalwork, office procedures, arts and crafts and life skills (e.g., interpersonal skills and personal development).

maybe you could see if one or two of these people could help you?:hugs:

24-04-11, 04:17
Hi Phil

It is entirely up to you whether or not you take up any treatment on offer. They won't force you, they'll just give the time to someone else if you don't want it. I'm in a similar position myself. I am on a waiting list for counselling, but have made so much progress anyway while waiting for it, by the time it is offered I am not sure that I'll want to bother with it. I would probably feel guilty taking it, thinking there are people who are in much greater need etc. I've left my name down and will just see how I feel about it when I reach the top of the list.

You could always have a chat with your doc about your progress and whether you actually need this now, or just go for the appointment anyway to see if it might be of any benefit. Treatment isn't forced on people unless you pose a risk to yourself or others, so if you decide it's not for you, you can finish it at any time. They won't mind as long as you tell them and don't just miss appointments. Only problem I can see is if you don't go but wish you had later on. As previous posters have said, they might be a bit awkward about giving another referral if they think you really should have gone for this one. See what the doc thinks.


24-04-11, 14:04
Hi Phil

It is entirely up to you whether or not you take up any treatment on offer. They won't force you, they'll just give the time to someone else if you don't want it. I'm in a similar position myself. I am on a waiting list for counselling, but have made so much progress anyway while waiting for it, by the time it is offered I am not sure that I'll want to bother with it. I would probably feel guilty taking it, thinking there are people who are in much greater need etc. I've left my name down and will just see how I feel about it when I reach the top of the list.

You could always have a chat with your doc about your progress and whether you actually need this now, or just go for the appointment anyway to see if it might be of any benefit. Treatment isn't forced on people unless you pose a risk to yourself or others, so if you decide it's not for you, you can finish it at any time. They won't mind as long as you tell them and don't just miss appointments. Only problem I can see is if you don't go but wish you had later on. As previous posters have said, they might be a bit awkward about giving another referral if they think you really should have gone for this one. See what the doc thinks.


Thanks nice to know I'm not the only one.

I just feel I know myself it's only me who can make the changes, sometimes it's hard but in previous months I could barely get by but now I can go out anxiety free (still get the odd day it beats me) but progress.

I think if it got really bad I could go back to the doctor, until then just see how it goes.