View Full Version : stabbing pain in back

21-04-11, 18:52
hi anxiety?

hi sall im a overbreather and have very weird srange breathing habits lol i.e yawn forcing random shakes.

anyway ive had this before im sute howeer my anxiety does disgree lol

itsa like a sharp stabbing pain in the centre of my back like im being repeatdly poked. its wuite sharop, and my over breathing is worse when this happens and ythe pain is sharper when i ry to tame breahths in xx

anyadvice please

paula lynne
21-04-11, 19:04
Hiya, its probably hyperventilating...causes tension in all the muscles in the back. Try a hot water bottle on the area, or a massage.x Nothing to worry about ok.
Paula x

21-04-11, 19:15
thanks hunni im peretty sure its that cos i get a lot of pain in muscles esspoecially achges all over
but just wondered if it was related sio thsank you xx