View Full Version : Diazepam & MRI scan - advice

21-04-11, 21:29
Hi - Having posted earlier about my fear of having a MRI scan, I have since been given 5mg of Diazepam to take.

I have never taken Diazepam so need a bit more advice.

Firstly my scan is a 9am... when should i take my tablet, it says an hour before, is that right? I would rather get advice from those who have taken it.

What should I expect from taking this? Will I fall asleep? I am slight built and any medication that suggests you will feel dowsy...I always fall asleep on!!!

Also the suggested I take one beforehand as a tester to make sure I dont have any bad adverse reactions (that scares me too).


eight days a week
21-04-11, 21:41
I take it daily, unfortunately. I only say that because it's not a good med to be on long term in my opinion, but fine and very effective for short term use.

An hour before is right. Its main effects will last from 1-4 hours after taking it. But you might feel woozy for a few hours after that even, as it slowly wears off.

Expect to feel 'spacey', less anxious, and it sounds like you might fall asleep!!

I'm no expert, but have known a lot of people take it, and never heard of bad reactions - but if you're anxious about it it's a good idea to try it out beforehand as it will help you to relax on the day. Just don't plan on driving or doing anything like cooking or using machines while you're on it - it is a powerful sedative :)

I'd say you have nothing to worry about here at all :)

21-04-11, 22:02
Thank you - I feel better already lol. I had better get someone to look after my child then afterwards as hubby is going straight back work!

21-04-11, 22:29
I have had 11 mri scans due to spine conditions and take diazepam before every one - I find taking it half hour before scan is best for me as it seems to hit after half an hour and with me wears off after hour andhalf. I take 5 or 6 mgs which means I can stand walk and talk just:) but feel calmish andhappy. I thought that the diazepam didn't help as even with it I am terrified but last scan I tried it without and boy I was a basket case and realised how much it does work.
If you haven't taken diazepam bfore then maybe take a dose before you appt at home( at leat a day before) to see how much you need as some people are very sensitive to it and you do not want to take a biggish dose on the day and find you can't walk or they won't do the scan!

eight days a week
21-04-11, 22:49
Ambers, glad to hear it :) Yes, it's better to be safe than sorry about the little one (sure you'll be safe, but if you can arrange something else, I'd say it's better).

Countrygirl, it sounds like you have a very 'fast' metabolism! I do too, but 5 or 6 mg wears off after 1 1/2 hours? Wow! Maybe it will for Ambers too, but most people I know who've taken diazepam say it affects them for at least 2 or 3 hours+. But that's the great thing about a trial run for Ambers, right? :)

I agree it does work faster than an hour. I usually feel its maximum effect between 30 mins and 1 hour (which then lasts for me for an hour or so) and then it slowly goes down.

I'd say an hour is probably about right if you're not used to taking it because you have time for it to work, and then a little bit more time to get used to the feeling before you have to go in.

You do feel a bit 'wobbly' because it is a powerful sedative, but they should expect that reaction. Ambers - try the 'practice' dose a few days beforehand, and if it's a bit too much for you you can always break your tablet into two halves, and then split one half into half again, and take that also at the same time.

That means you've had 3/4 of 5mg - 3.75mg. That will probably be enough for people for the first time or two, although it won't make much difference really.

This is just if you feel really woozy on your practice run - you will still have taken enough to relax you and lessen your anxiety, but not so much you'll want to fall asleep before you even get in there!

Good luck (not that you need it!), please let us know how you get on :)

Hazel B
21-04-11, 22:51
I had 5mg Diaz for anxiety for 6 days last year, it calmed me down and made me less "scared" all the time. I would advise that you don't drive when you've taken one and have one 45mins to 1 hour before the scan.

I didn't need any sedation when I had my MRI as I had calmed a bit by then, but it should take the edge off it for you.

22-04-11, 07:40
Thanks all - I will do a trial ran tonight once the little one is in bed...If I can I will post afterwards lol.

I really need to do this MRI scan as I am limping badly from my pelvis pain - so it will be a relief to get some sort of diagnose (hoping it is as simple as a trapped nerve). It is funny as the MRI scan is one of those things than can affect even the strongest of minds!

Really appreciate all the help I am getting from this forum :)

22-04-11, 19:13
Just taken it as a trial run...yikes. I am actually anxious because I took it, was quite relaxed previously. Lets see how long it takes.:unsure:

22-04-11, 20:18
Hi Ambers what dose have you taken?? If you have never taken it before then 5mg is quite a hefty dose so if this is howmuch you have taken you might feel very zonked out when it hits, if you have been given 2mg tablets try only one but I am a bit late now with advice:)

22-04-11, 20:34
CG - too late! Actally it has now been an hour and a half and I feel the same? I dont think it has worked? It was 5mg. Strange as usually I fall asleep on most medication?? Maybe it hasn't worked :shrug:

22-04-11, 22:46
Worryingly it did not work

22-04-11, 22:53
Did you not feel any different at all lol

22-04-11, 23:30
No not at all...I got very anxious within the first 20 mins - just worrying really about any reverse reactions to the actual medication...then nothing, did some work on my laptop, had coffee and Friday night treats... and now just about to go to bed...nothing, strange!

23-04-11, 14:38
Ambers try taking it on an empty stomach and I can almost be certain that you will know you have taken it:) I can take diazepam on a full stomach and cannot tell I have taken it but on an empty one its something else. Also adrenalin negates the effects so getting very wound up after you have taken it can cancel it out - I find this with the mri scans that i have to take a larger dose as I can be barely able to walk talk going into the hospital but as soon as they call my name the effect of the diazepam disappears instantly so need the higher dose to have some effect left.
Try the empty stomach and let us know if it works.

24-04-11, 14:51
CG - Do you think I should chance 7.5 mg on the day on an empty belly? I wondered if I didn't feel the effect because I was quite calm anyway?


24-04-11, 17:11
How many tablets have you got to experiment with??

If you can try taking just the 5mg on an empty stomach to see who you feel.

How it effects me is that I suddenly feel a bit drunk and very happy and heavy but everyone is different. The strongest effects wear off with me after about half an hour but still feel calmer for about 3 hrs. AS I said I have taken them after I have eaten and cannot feel any effect.

If taking 5 mg on empty stomach does not work then you can take up to max of 10 mg but would not recommend it so maybe try the 7-5mgs instead but you do need to have taken the same dose before you go for mri that you will take on the day as you don't want to have too big an effects and miss your scan:unsure:

24-04-11, 17:21
I will try 7.5 possibly tonight although I think I have eaten way too much chocolate for any chance of a empty belly for the next few days lol. Nervous as Wednesday is looming! Thank you for your advice, really appreciate it :)

16-10-16, 14:47
I was told to take 10mg before an mri. Did a trial run and it had no effect on me. I am now trial lying 15mg to see if that's any different

04-04-17, 15:30
Hi - Having posted earlier about my fear of having a MRI scan, I have since been given 5mg of Diazepam to take.

I have never taken Diazepam so need a bit more advice.

Firstly my scan is a 9am... when should i take my tablet, it says an hour before, is that right? I would rather get advice from those who have taken it.

What should I expect from taking this? Will I fall asleep? I am slight built and any medication that suggests you will feel dowsy...I always fall asleep on!!!

Also the suggested I take one beforehand as a tester to make sure I dont have any bad adverse reactions (that scares me too).

My first 30 minute M.R.I. lasted 3 minutes I was ready to come out swinging if they didn't stop it immediately. They suggested sedation, next attempt I took 7 x 5mg Valium and it went fine. As I emerged from the fog I heard the nurses uttering concern at my inactivity, then I heard someone say "it's OK, he's just snoring" which made me howl with laughter.
Tomorrow is a 45 minute session, 10 x 5mg Valium should do the trick. 7 tabs 30 minutes before I enter the tomb then 3 before I finally enter. Sound wise ?