View Full Version : Too hot to sleep - Panic

21-04-11, 23:42
How are you lovely peeps coping with the heat? It's horrible in the day but at night when i'm in bed it's horrible. I'm panicking now, it's worse now as my fiance is working nights and i'm having to cope on my own, i'm just getting so anxious and i'm crying. I feel like such a baby.

I have a fan on my bedside, and i've got my trusty Friends dvds and laptop for comfort but i'm struggling.

Any advice or comfort? Thank you xx

22-04-11, 01:03
What heat is that? I take it you are in another Country. Britain is very cold not hot, its a real pity there isn't better temperatures in Britain. How did you get on with your mattress, did you manage to get rid of the mould.

22-04-11, 01:37
Hey miss_moose

I definately think your anxiety is playing up because although it's been warm during the day for the time of year, it's still getting cold at nights, it's gotta be psychological.

It's good you have a laptop in bed to try and take your mind off things, but there really isn't much else you can do except maybe some relaxation exercises, I'm sure you'll find loads on the net. The temperature is unfortunately going to go back down again to only 12 degrees on Tuesday during the day so you'll be happy to hear that it will obviously be quite cold an night then. We have been so lucky though to have such great weather during April. I am sorry you're so uncomfortable in bed.


22-04-11, 03:40
anything over 18 degrees Celsius and I'm on fire :roflmao: but then anything under 16 degrees and I'm freezing!

If it's a very hot night, I open my window and put on my fan an hour or so before going to bed (must buy a new fan).
Wear as little clothing as possible, cotton shorts,t-shirt,
Maybe bring a glass of ice water to bed,
My problem is I need a blanket over over me or I can't fall asleep :(
If I wake up too hot, I go to the bathroom and wet my hands and use them to dampen my arms and legs!

you can also use products for menopause, Boots do a can of cooling spray sorta like water in a can lol.

22-04-11, 03:41
what is room temperature? mine was 18degrees last night. so I slept ok ,

22-04-11, 11:27
anything over 18 degrees Celsius and I'm on fire :roflmao: but then anything under 16 degrees and I'm freezing!

If it's a very hot night, I open my window and put on my fan an hour or so before going to bed (must buy a new fan).
Wear as little clothing as possible, cotton shorts,t-shirt,
Maybe bring a glass of ice water to bed,
My problem is I need a blanket over over me or I can't fall asleep :(
If I wake up too hot, I go to the bathroom and wet my hands and use them to dampen my arms and legs!

I could've written that myself:)

I'm in the UK too Luch, t'up North:winks: I just can't cope if it's 18c upwards, or if it's muggy, makes me feel so ill and anxious.
When it's like this i tend not to go out in the day time but then have a little walk in the evening when it's cooler.
We live in an upstairs flat and it gets so hot, we had the windows open all day yesterday but last night it was just unbarable, and being on my own (as i will be again tonight), i find it harder to deal with because there's no Mr Moose there for cuddles:weep:

The temperature is unfortunately going to go back down again to only 12 degrees on Tuesday during the day so you'll be happy to hear that it will obviously be quite cold an night then.


How did you get on with your mattress, did you manage to get rid of the mould.

Mr Moose dealt with it, he hoovered it and scrubbed it with a brillo pad and detol, then left it to air with the windows open and fan on.
He's going to check it again in a few weeks time to see if it's gone or if it's creeped back, then i'm not sure what he's going to do.
I don't think i'm really allowed my say because of "OCD", and he knows i'll want to get mattress protecters which he wont do because apparently they make the problem worse, or buy a new mattress which we cant afford right now and if we could, he still won't do as we've only had it a year.

Thank you so much for your replies xxx:hugs: