View Full Version : numbness everywhere

22-04-11, 03:17
Hey guys,

The past couple of days I have noticed that my skin is numb almost all the time, even when I'm not anxious. I get it most particularly on my torso and legs. But also arms and face. I've noticed a slight lack of colour in my stomach (like lines that are usually red aren't red anymore. I'm freaking out cos iits not like the other symptoms. Also I get barely ANY tingling, and non when its numbing. Its constantly numb, not on and off..

Has anyone had this? Read anything about this? Or can give me a little encouragement! Pls reply xxxx

22-04-11, 04:09
hmmm the best I can come up with is that a lack of b12 can cause numbness and so can thyroid issues.
It is a bit odd to get it without the pins and needles, how numb are we talking here? slightly numb or totally numbness like you've just been to the dentist?
Can you feel your nails drag across your skin?
I would totally keep an eye on any loss of pinkness in the skin, maybe your low on iron?
it could be good to get some blood work done.

Hows your back and neck? any pinched nerve or muscles issues can cause numbness too.

22-04-11, 10:22
I sustained a small injury to my neck but its not painful or anything. I can feel it if I drag my nails across it.. Its just less sensitive.. By quite a lot. I'm a hypocondriac but not to this level. I went to sleep and hoped it would be ok in the morning cos my anxiety symptoms are always invisible when I first wake up.. But I had it even then. I've made a doctors appointment! X