View Full Version : The Return of The Stomach Acid

22-04-11, 09:48
My stomach and back muscle spasms appear to be having a break which left me in great joy and relaxation yesterday. And then the stomach acid returned. I've only had this symptom previously when I also lost my appetite but this time around (so far) I'm not having any problems withy appetite.
I've felt the gurgling on and off so brought some ant-acids from the pharmacy but I've also noticed that here in the US (I'm currently on holiday) they sell Omeprazole on the shelf for around $20 and this is what I was prescribed last time and I had to take it for 2 months in total before the symptoms subsided.
Not wanting to tempt fate or spend that amount of money, I opted for the cheap, own brand chewable ant-acids which I've just taken 2 of and the churning feeling has not yet subsided. I experienced nausea last time and really don't want to go through that again :-(

The only thing holding me back from getting the Omeprazole is that I've been on medication for my spasms which I stopped taking yesterday and can't afford to see a doctor here again for advice and I don't return to the UK until Monday which seems awfully long when your insides are churning!!

Has anyone got any good natural remedied they can recommend? I tried milk last time for immediate (but very temporary) relief but I can't keep doing that until Monday!

22-04-11, 10:08
Hi lanesra, I used to take antiacids for the same thing, and also on other medication, a friend told me to drink peppermint tea, just to please her i tried it that was last october, i drink it everyday and haven't used an atiacid since hope this helps, please try it, i was sceptical, but it worked take care:hugs:

22-04-11, 10:56
Hi Lanesra, try a teaspoonful of bicarbonate of soda mixed with a little milk. Tastes absolutely vile but may do the trick.

22-04-11, 11:31
Thank you both, I've heard peppermint tea is good for digestion so will make a habit out of drinking it. Also with the Bicarbonate of soda/milk concoction, I'm willing to try anything!
Really appreciate your help :-) x

22-04-11, 11:46
Hi Lanesra, apparently milk only exacerbates any problems with acid, as it is hard for the stomach to digest (especially if you have a lactose intolerance)... I've found natural yogurt to be helpful. I also drink aloe vera juice a couple of times a day, which soothes any inflammation in the gut :-)

22-04-11, 11:49
can,t you get otc zantac 75 over there ? Works great and much better than rennies .
Its the same as prescription ranitidine 150 mg , but half the dose .

Hope it calms down soon :yesyes:

22-04-11, 12:24
Tesco,Morrsions and Asda do their own ranitidine, its quite cheap and does the trick. I found that milk actually made things worse. I guess it's try and see what works for you. Green tea can settle the tummy too if you can drink it, it's not the most pleasant taste,but then if it works it's worth it.

22-04-11, 12:52
I know you're not supposed to take milk, but it works for me every time! I'm on Omeprazole, but back it up with Zantac (Ranitidine) or Gaviscon when needed, both bought over the counter. Both sold under those names in USA.

One word about bicarbonate of soda - it is also used to relieve stinging if you have cystitis, but should only be used very sparingly as it can mask urinary/kidney problems.

Drink plenty of room temperature (not iced) water to dilute the acid.

23-04-11, 13:21
Thanks so much for all of your tips, never knew milk was supposed to be so hit and miss! My antacids actually seemed to work yesterday but I bought Omeprazole just in case I desperately need it and have stopped taking my muscle spasm medication just in case.
I actually had to stop drinking green tea the last time I had it as I felt that made it worse, which I never expected!
Really appreciate your suggestions, will definitely be trying the natural remedies out too :-) x

23-04-11, 13:50
Give the omeprazole a couple of days to work. You need to take the full 2 week course. It may then help for a couple of months as it allows tissue to heal.

In an emergency I take a couple of spoonfuls of ice cream, always settles the stomach for me. The yogurt seems a good idea too.