View Full Version : am i dying of a brain tumor?

22-04-11, 18:26
i have felt some of my smptoms over the past month and at times they are so debilitating that i convince myself that it is a brain tumor!

lightheaded - worse upon waking - i goto bed worrying about how i will feel when i wake up

heavy legs - as if when u have the flu n find it hard to move them.this is confined to legs only

the shakes - this has eased last 2 days possibly my meds i was on citalopram and venlafaxine

i have no headaches,no vision issues and nore slur of speech.my memory seems fine( i can say alphabet backwards quickly and have tested basic maths)

i went to gp several times in last 2 weeks. he did folllowing neuro tests

muscle strenght.
reflex in legs and feet
eye with light and pupil check
hand coordination and strength - touching nose with eyes closed
eye co ordination - following the finger
walking tests - heel to toe and on tiptoes and heels

i also had a full blood test conducted 2 weeks ago and showed zero abnormalities.

on my recent gp visit he sed he would book me in with a neurosergoen. well to be fair he asked what i wanted and tht is wat i requested.now i wish i hadnt. iim more anxious. he did say 'we are not in the habit of referrals for the sake of anxiety but i want to put your mind at rest'

i still convince myself i have a deadly cancer in my head.

i have a good job that i enjoy but cant face going in through worry. i have a great gf who i drive insane for reassurance. i am on lorazepam to control my anxiety over the easter break and see my gp again on weds morning for a update.

any advice on coping and and one who thinks like me please support as i am desperate for some comfort!

cheers mike

22-04-11, 18:51
hello Mike,

I do feel for you in this mind hell .............been there .
but I know I cant convince you on line if you cant believe your tests and GP.

just want to say ..........I nursed brain cancer patients .

your symptoms are not a tumour ..........repeat after me .NOT A TUMOUR .
It is your anxiety talking Mike .........and all those nerves firing off all manner of horrid feelings . trust me ..........your doc would have you off to hospital immediately if he thought you had tumour . honest .....I would never ever write here if I thought you had to worry like this .............I would be saying get to A and E now .

you have had tests and all have been fine ...............they would so not be if you had tumour .

while you stress these horrid feelings wont go away and it becomes a cycle of fear. so understand .
to help the rational side in your mind ..........look again at the symptoms of anxiety .and see how they mimic our big illness fears .
dont fret Mike honest .

22-04-11, 18:56
sometimes i sit and write advice to other people trying if anything to persuade myself along with them that we are all ok. i do read what you say and it is of some comfort cos the more assurances you get the better i guess.

i pray to god that i will be ok cos i have got so much to live for fight now. its always the same when you feel you have so much to lose you worry even more!

i wish my mind was strong enough to just block the negatives and give me some good days :(

22-04-11, 19:08
sorry my thoughts didnt help ..............just trying to reassure you .

paula lynne
22-04-11, 21:35
Hi Mike, I worked as a nurse in Walsgrave hospital under Neurosurgeons M.Chocksey, and also Peter Stanworth. You dont sound like a candidate for tumour as eyesight is fine, you dont have headaches, your memory is fine and your speech unaffected. You also passed all the regular neuro tests. I agree wholeheartedly with Snowgoose.....I think this is anxiety. Im actually bemused your doctor has sent you for a consult with a neurosurgeon if you have no symptoms conducive to tumour, just to reassure you. Oh well, Im sure it will put you mind at rest once and for all.