View Full Version : Paranoia, superstition and karma???!

22-04-11, 18:31
Does anyone else have a problem with these 3 things, for example just before you say something like 2im looking forward to tomorrow" you stop yourself because ou believe saying you look forward to it means it wont happen or something will go wrong? or you dont like upsetting people incase you get struck down dead for being mean? ect ect ect

does anyone find they have to think twice before saying something just incase they jinx it?

I know this probably makes me sound mad but i was just about to update my facebook status about looking forward to the barbie im going to tomorrow and something stopped me saying it incase i jinx it or die before tomorrow! even saying the word die makes me think i shouldnt have said that word incase i make it happen!!

its a tad annoying to say the least.

22-04-11, 20:24
yes yes yes!!!
I am very supersticious -but i also try not to look forward to things in case they dont happen and i feel disapointed.

when i see people putting 'looking forward to hols' status on facebook i think they are really brave - i wouldt dare in case i jinxed it!

22-04-11, 20:28
dodnt even read all you thing read forst two lines and im terrible... if someone dsays something that makes me suspicious thats it iom gone xx

22-04-11, 21:39
Yep! I hate blimmin magpies! whenever i see just one on its own I think something bad is going to happen to me or I'll have a bad day/ bad luck! "one for sorrow!" I'm relieved when i see 2! "2 for joy"
it's so annoying! x

23-04-11, 07:53
Im so relieved that it isnt just me. its so annoying though isnt it. i do try and psh through it buy doing these things anyway but then im waiting for a bad outcome!

23-04-11, 08:34
I think this is absolutely 'normal'. When I used to see my therapist and I told her that I had those thoughts, and also that I had to do things, silly things, or else something bad would happen to me, like must put that straight, must tidy that up, all these things or else something bad would happen, my therapist said that all these things were 'normal' that at some time everyone has those thoughts and feelings. She herself said that she also felt like that and you just have to push through it, do it anyway and you will see that nothing is going to happen. (Still feel a bit funny writing this down though!!!!!!) Really, all this is just a thought in your head and you will be fine, try to learn to do or say the things anyway and it gets easier, I promise, well it did for me :-)

I wish you all the best

Luv Jannie x x

23-04-11, 09:35
I think this is absolutely 'normal'. When I used to see my therapist and I told her that I had those thoughts, and also that I had to do things, silly things, or else something bad would happen to me, like must put that straight, must tidy that up, all these things or else something bad would happen, my therapist said that all these things were 'normal' that at some time everyone has those thoughts and feelings. She herself said that she also felt like that and you just have to push through it, do it anyway and you will see that nothing is going to happen. (Still feel a bit funny writing this down though!!!!!!) Really, all this is just a thought in your head and you will be fine, try to learn to do or say the things anyway and it gets easier, I promise, well it did for me :-)

I wish you all the best

Luv Jannie x x

I completely understand what the bit in bold means, i feel strange and bit typing about it.

Thank you for your reply, it helps to know what your therapist has said, sometimes it really helps when a professional tells you its ok and even better when they say they have it too! when i had my massive fear of going blind because i had floaters i was sooo happy when my optician told me she has them too and theres nothing to worry about, that fear has completely gone now.

its just sad how we need someone 'professional' to tell us these things, things that we already really know.


23-04-11, 10:44
Yes,i now never look forward to things as i know they wont happen, leaves me with a very negative life! i always get let down so now i dont bother planning too much, paranoia definately too! always thinking the worst of a situation.


23-04-11, 22:19
I always put money into charity boxes because I believe I'll have a good day then!
I do rather like Karma, I don't believe in God, so when things go bad I get angry at Karma lol

24-04-11, 03:26
I think many of us feel like this. One magpie flew over the car today - oh hell. Then there's ladders not to walk under, avoiding 13, hoping the black cat crosses my path etc. I never cross my knife and fork because I was told that was bad luck when I was a child. The thing is, I don't really believe any of it, but when things are tough I just think well, I'll go along with it all just in case. I need all the help I can get!
