View Full Version : Anyone else have a complete meltdown in this heat?

22-04-11, 19:45
Just wondering if i'm the only one who really really suffers and loses the plot completely once it gets above 20c? I've been like this now for about 6/7 years and not a summer has gone by since then when i haven't have a really really bad relapse & most years been signed off for anything between 2 & 6 weeks. And it's happened again, although so far, i've not had to take any diazepam (which happens when all my usual coping methods don't cut it) so i'm really pleased with myself for that.
The weird thing is, i love the sun really; when i'm feeling ok, i love sunbathing and love entertaining friends in our garden. But when i'm feeling really bad (like today) i have to sit indoors with the blinds shut & a fan blasting at me all the time. My head, neck, face & chest is roasting hot (but i don't sweat), but the rest of my body is cold, and i have to have a blanket over me.
Today, i managed to walk my puppy with my Hubs & was really pleased, as didn't think i'd make it, and then spent the day reading "mindful way thru depression" and have just managed a walk again now by myself (so again really pleased) but i just don't understand why this keeps happening to me, when every year & i always get better and managed to go back to work and survive, yet, every yr, as soon as we have a heatwave-it comes back with a vengence?
Sorry, didn't want this to be an essay, just desparate to hear that i'm not the only one? Has anyone had this ever?:huh:
Thanks for listening/reading.x

22-04-11, 20:08
this happens to me too, always get dizzy in the heat, and really bad and start falling all over the place, and feel like there is no energy in my legs.

22-04-11, 20:48
Hi :)
I must admit I'm struggling too at the moment with the heat, I haven't had a panic attack now for a very long time now but despite that I find the feelings I get when I'm too hot reminds me of how I felt when I was just about to have an attack and it scares me. I also think that it doesn't matter if you are a sufferer or non-sufferer of anx some people just don't do well in the heat, I think I'm one of those! Although if it rains thru the whole of the school holidays like it did last year I will find something else to moan about! :lac:

22-04-11, 21:34
oh thanks for the replies; i'm glad i'm not the only one who groans while everyone else smiles at how hot it's going to be! ;) just been for another walk & actually feel a bit better now! Hopefully i'll be able to sleep.... :)

paula lynne
22-04-11, 21:38
Yes Badger, Im feeling a bit out of it....bit more dizzy than usual, palps bad today, hot and bothered. Im staying out of the sun and drinking plenty of fluids, just feeling "drained" if you know what I mean. Hard to sleep properly too, which I know has a knock on effect for anxiety.....bring on the thunderstorm they keep promising and we can at least breath....oh....just remembered, Ive used my ventolin 3 times today due to poor air quality.....no wonder Im shaking! IDIOT paula....DOH!!!!!!!

22-04-11, 22:33
I have recently bought Dr Caroline Weekes book and she explains exactly why we feel worse in the heat. She writes 'dilation of the blood vessels in hot weather can bring on symptoms similar to anxiety such as throbbing head, sweating, thumping heart and fatigue. These symptoms can dupe us into thinking we are in a 'bad way' and we end up dreading the heat. What we need to do is to accept these symptoms are 'normal' reactions to hot weather accept them and not feed them with our own anxiety and worry which will make them much worse. Say bring it on relax let them happen and they will pass, get out and enjoy this beautiful weather!'

paula lynne
22-04-11, 22:40
Great info Lizzie, thanks!:) Good to know whats going on inside the body.....
I think I will still stick to the shade for now.........freckles are joining up! x

22-04-11, 23:48
I am staying inside in this heat - best way really

22-04-11, 23:56
yes i thought my anxiety was staying high cos of it and was satarting to believ i ws getting ill as ive been getting cad headaches feeling very drained woozy allo over place feeling like theres no air anywhere xxx