View Full Version : im going abroad but scared il have panick attack .........help pls

22-04-11, 20:58
hi everyone,
well basically im going to greece on 13th may with a freind,but im just hoping i wont panick at the airport .im sayin this cos i went portugal last year and had big pannick atack at the airport and had to sit in a resteraunt,but im thinking that was an early morning flight at5am and i had no slepp,do u think this was why i panicked?
also i made sure this flight was later so its 5pm,just so i know i have enough sleep....what do you think will i be ok?

paula lynne
22-04-11, 21:18
Hi Kate, wow Greece is just gorgeous you lucky thing.!
Its hard going back to the airport because youre brain has associated airports with panic attacks.
What you need to do is prepare...get some tunes on your ipod or whatever, get some bach rescue remedy losenges, a paper bag to rebreathe........
Lack of sleep can definately cause anxiety symptoms, so get plenty of rest before hand.
You must try not to concentrate on the thoughts of panic.....instead...think about all the great things youll be doing on holiday. Positive thinking goes a long way! Enjoy your holiday, Im so jelous!!! You will be fine x
Paula x:yesyes:

22-04-11, 21:53
Hi Kate, wow Greece is just gorgeous you lucky thing.!
Its hard going back to the airport because youre brain has associated airports with panic attacks.
What you need to do is prepare...get some tunes on your ipod or whatever, get some bach rescue remedy losenges, a paper bag to rebreathe........
Lack of sleep can definately cause anxiety symptoms, so get plenty of rest before hand.
You must try not to concentrate on the thoughts of panic.....instead...think about all the great things youll be doing on holiday. Positive thinking goes a long way! Enjoy your holiday, Im so jelous!!! You will be fine x
Paula x:yesyes:
hey thanks for your reply,one question though ,does the rescue remedy help?ive never tried it befor,have you used it and does it actually work??
and yea im excited lol but its just the air port im worried about xxx

paula lynne
22-04-11, 22:05
Yes, it helps me, and lots of people, they sell the lozenges on the nmp shop page :)

When you get those anxiety symptoms thinking about the airport, you have to tell yourself its EXCITEMENT!!!! holiday!!! yippeee!!!!! x

22-04-11, 22:15
lol aw thanks babes,i hope im ok and il try the bach things xx

22-04-11, 22:46
What exactly is in that remedy lozenges/drink? Has anyone ever had a reaction to it, or have felt worse when using it?

paula lynne
22-04-11, 23:12
Natural essences of flowers like Rock rose and several others I believe Jo, although I havent used them for sometime. I dont know if anyone has had a reaction, Ive never heared any problems myself