View Full Version : GAD Obese Lonely and fed up!

22-04-11, 21:46
I dont know where else to turn, I dont feel I can talk to family/friends cause i'm embarrassed and ashamed.
I've suffered with anxiety since i was 14, i'm 28 now. Was diagnosed with GAD few months back and have actually been managing the anxiety well lately, although not going out of my comfort zone at all.
As a result of anxiety and depression I comfort ate and put on alot of weight since i was a teen, tipping the scale at 21 stone now.
I want to move on with my life, not be trapped by the anxiety, ya know fall in love, get married, have children. But I have no confidence/ self esteem. Firstly i dont think any man would look twice at me because i'm fat and then why would they want to be with me when i have anxiety issues.
I feel so low and like my life is never going to go anywhere. I still live at home with my parents, My younger brother, friends have all got partners and their own places. Is this is, is this my lot?
I'm so low I dont know what to do :(

paula lynne
22-04-11, 21:56
Hiya, nice to meet you.x
I think that weigh****chers online helps with the issues of comfort eating, have you thought about using them or slimming world? Little changes will help, when you get the urge to eat, fill up on fruit and veg, with the occasional treat.

I think reading up about self-esteem will really help you. Lots of men find larger ladies attractive.....why do you think your not worthy of love?

Try and wear stuff thats suitable for your body (Evans do a great range).....go out with your mates one a month on a "girls only" night...who knows, by the time it comes round you may have already lost some weight and are starting to feel better about yourself. I was ten stone getting married, after ten years of agoraphobia and anx, Im now 13 and half...at 5'6 Im obese, just. Im making more of an effort to get out and about, and make small changes everyday to my diet, they really do add up.

What about ladies only aerobics? I enjoy ladies only sessions as I dont feel so self-concious...

I hope you start to feel better soon. We are all unique, you need to find what works and be determined to stick to it.....dont let anxiety ruin you. Be strong. You CAN do it!!!!!! x
Paula x:yesyes: