View Full Version : Abdominal scan booked - anxious - ovary/liver

23-04-11, 00:53
Well after 8 weeks of constant abdominal discomfort and burping everyday the doctor has said I am a mystery and we need to start doing some tests ... (all meds for burping have had no effect). I kind of knew this was coming but still feeling very anxious. I have never had any gatro/abdominal symptoms before but reading the forum posts was thinking Pain predominant IBS (I know I shouldn't try to self diagnose, more a case of trying to self reassure!) and I thought I would get colonoscopy etc but he is concerned about abdominal pain that is located lower right. It feels really awkard like something stuck or there that shouldn't be when I sit down. It also sometimes feels more like my hip though can be burning sensation nr belly button. As a result I have referral for abdominal and pelvic scan / ultrasound and to look at ovaries. WIth the burping symptom I am know thinking Ovarian C and feeling v scared. Also have appt to get bloods taken - lots of tests on the form inc liver function and some that say they pick up on infection, inflamation, lupus and cancer. Appt is for 2 weeks time and just wish these symptoms would go away.

Lots of people posted about acid and ibs but has anyone had this ultrasound and ovary concerns? Have whole lot more nagging voices now about liver etc. Thoughts I guess were always there but being referred is making it more real.

flumpkin x

23-04-11, 00:59
i have a excessive burpinga dn have started with dicky tummy not to wworriewd avut the tummy but burping yes big time.. i do it all time xx

23-04-11, 01:22
Hi flumkin

As you know i,ve had very similiar since November , hard to swallow , pain in the stomach , acid , full feeling , constant burping and ibs symtoms .

I too had never had any of this untill i had my "mini brake down" thats the best way i can describe it .

After 5-6 months on meds my stomach is still not "normal" but much much better .
My doctor clearly says and is happy to go along with my stomach issues as being anxiety related , i thought it was a load of balls but i now no its true .
Mine still isn,t right , but i can tell you for a fact the DR,S Are more than reeady to get you off there books and send you for more investigation which is a massive worry for HA suffer,s but it really is just ruetine .

I know we have similiar issues so i can totally relate to it , i,m right in saying you are a young un ? so any worry on it being something else is virtually nil .

In a nutshell its just the next stage to confirm that everything is ok , i avoided this as i,m male and crap at this and told the dr no thanks yet (not the right thing to do i know ) but i know after 6 months its just over acid production or whatever the corresct term is , i,m sure your the same and will be fine :yesyes:

If you need a chat from an old fart with the same problem pm me , but you will be fine .

23-04-11, 11:00
Hi there i have the same problems constant burping ,feeling full ,bloating ,everytime i eat i feel it dosent digest for hours.Mine seemed to start after a while of drinkinking green smoothies then i stopped them but these symptoms have carried on and i think its my anxiety about them that has kept them there .I post all the time about it as i have been in a terrible state over it too.The chances of u symptoms being anything serious is virtually nil .But at least the tests can confim that and you can stop worrying about it.I havent been for tests as my doc said it would only make me worse.The hip /pelvic pain sounds like a nerve pain i have had something similiar and it was a nerve.I hope this helps a bit.kind regards

23-04-11, 14:34
Remember that there are loads of none serious reasons for your symptoms. I have a hiatus hernia and when it plays up it can make me burp all the time, usually if I have been bending over for too long. Gallstones can also make you burp alot.

I assume you are having an abdominal and pelvic ultrasound. You usually get a first thing appt as you need to not eat for about 8 hrs before they scan your gallbladder etc and you will have to drink about pint half of water before pelvic scan so your bladder pushes up your ovaries womb. They sometimes do them seperately sometimes at the same time.

Don't worry if the radiographer seems to keep going over one spot - having had loads of ultrasounds this is normal but nerve racking!
If there is anything really suspicious on your scan your Dr will get in touch with you very quickly.

Good luck, know how awful it is waiting for tests and results. Love your name by the way

29-04-11, 01:02
Hi everyone thanks for the replies and apologies for not replying sooner :blush: to be honest although I pop on most days to re-read reassuring posts I have been trying to not focus on my symptoms and to concentrate on enjoying a fun few days off work with my family. I am coping better day to day, although I know I will be a nervous wreck on scan day! Also had blood tests on Tues - no idea when I will get the results? Presumably when I go back to dr after scan. Your replies all really help. I find I am worse late at night and first thing in the morning when I get some time to myself.

Country girl you are totally right - I need to consider fact it could be something minor or less serious than big C. I have such black and white thinking, and I am either absolutely fine or terminal. My appt is at 3 and I have been told to drink 2 pints, 1 hr before. It is internal and external abdominal and pelvic ultrasound. Hey maybe 1 or 2 pints would help me relax ;-) Thanks for mentioning about them going over an area as that would def freak me out! You are right Molly, I am trying to see test as positive reassurance. I know you are struggling a bit with HA at mo too hun so thank you for taking time to reply to my post.

How are you doing now Mel? Has upping meds again helped? I really will pm properly and although I am not quickest to reply, I must say re-reading your posts is really helping! So thank you all!

29-04-11, 01:20
Can't begin to offer advice but just wanted to say that I hope it all goes ok. I'm sure it's not any of the things you've imagined - I've done enugh Googling to know that there are lots and lots of minor things that can cause each and every symptom. Good luck and let us know how you get on :)

29-04-11, 16:49
Just wanted to say that a few months ago had ovary liver and stomach worries and I was referred for an ultrasound..my enzymes were raised which made me feel like I had liver failure..the doctor had felt my lower right stomach and I had pain also and he referred me straight to hospital! There's a thing you can get that is a variation of a hernia but totally treatable,it might be what was mentioned above.

Ultrasound and such all turned out okay,but I totally understand the worry. I am sure you will be fine though. Take care lovey x

29-04-11, 23:32
Thanks for the replies, I am being pretty good and keeping off google, restricting my surfing for health issues and reassurance seeking to coming here. Wee-mee can I ask what happened after scan, did they find a cause and were you having any abdominal pain? Mine is so localised and constant it is making me v worried. I think it is either ovary or liver. I know I focus on pain etc when worried and can make it seem worse but I have had it couple of months now and so think def something wrong. My scan is a week today so i guess not too long to wait. I just want to be ok.
Thanks again for support xxx