View Full Version : Water retension

anx mum
23-04-11, 10:02
Anyone had this got it in ankle what makes it better?

23-04-11, 10:55
dr can give you water tablets for it as far as i know x

23-04-11, 12:40
Have you been to a doctor about this? Diuretics don't always help the water retention, depending upon where it is located and what is causing it. Elevate your ankle throughout the day as that can help.

23-04-11, 12:52
I have a swollen left ankle and already take water tablets so they don't always help.

23-04-11, 13:09
Both of mine do this. Water tablets didn't help. Keep them up as much as you can and exercise - that helps boost your circulation.

anx mum
23-04-11, 15:25
Both of mine do this. Water tablets didn't help. Keep them up as much as you can and exercise - that helps boost your circulation.

Thanks guys raising my foot alot is exercise good for it then?