View Full Version : still worried about a tumor in my brain, please help

23-04-11, 12:46
hi everyone, i posted here the other day about my brain tumor worry.
thing is, i'm still worried, if not more worried.
every night whilst i'm watching tv i'll get a slight twinge in my left temple and then pain in one of my eyes.
it's so frightening i'm petrified it's a brain tumor.
would the pain in my head be a lot worse if it was a tumor?
it doesn't wake me up in my sleep or anything i'm fine during the day as well
i also have a bit of naseua as well, not a lot but slightly. please help me someone :(
the logical side of my head is thinking its just my sleeping pattern as some times i go to sleep at about 3am and wake up at 1pm (i have nothing to do during my days) but i can't help but think that would surely be enough sleep so why would i feel headaches because of that?
another side of my head is thinking its my sinuses playing up as sometimes i'll feel a slight pressure on my nose and i've had quite a runny nose lately.
can anyone shed some light on this?
sorry for posting again the second time this week with the same worry. xx

23-04-11, 12:51
have you had your eyes tested?

23-04-11, 13:24
Not recently, the last check up I had was in late January this year for a scratched eye thinking of booking myself in though to put my mind at ease about this tumor!

23-04-11, 13:34
Definitely a good idea to have a sight test.

When I was a teenager I spent a miserable few months completely convinced I had a brain tumour. When I finally told my mum and went to the opticians / doctors it turned out I needed glasses and had a sinus infection. Not so bad after all :)

23-04-11, 16:06
hi try not to wory hunni,, a lot of your symptoms ois what ive felt like..
just ctired sleep patterns dodgy paims in eyes and headaches dizzy spells feeling genuinley unwell when im not xxx

mines heightened anxiety made me run down.. i also had the obsession with having a brain tumor in 2003 it was my first experince with anxiety xx

if your worried hunni i would get checked out but im sure your ok xx

23-04-11, 18:20
I know that brain tumour thought to well, try not to worry. I had and still get those symptoms on and off. I've had the for six months now so I'm pretty I'd be in alot of trouble now if I did have one :D. Def get your eyes tested and go see ur gp but be honest and tell them thats what your worried about and believe what they say. You might find that the hard part but worrying about it only makes it worst. It could be lots of different reasons. take care xx

24-04-11, 01:17
My friend has a brain tumour, she never had any pains on her head, and a whole bunch of other symptoms if it makes you feel any better:-) I get shooting pains in my head all the time, I know its because I worry about it. When my cousin had breast cancer I used to get pains im my boobs every day. The link between brain and pain is pretty strong,and being anxious makes me feel sick. I recently worried myself sick about a pain in the back of my head which just wouldn't go, all day, all night, no matter what painkillers I tried. When I saw a doctor it turned out to be a muscle along my spine that attaches at the top of my spine, exactly where the back of my head is. My point is this, see a gp, they might be able to help put your mind at ease. :-)

24-04-11, 11:21
hi, when my anxiety started it was the firstworse symptom i had,when i felt it it causes a huge anxiety attack...but when i finally lostmy fear of those headaches it eventully disappear,then came my next feared symptom chest pain,feels like im dying and again when i lost my obsession over it it fades away..now my symtoms are more of health anxiety..i can relate to you about the pain in my breast..i had a cousin with breast ca when i heard about her i eventually had this pain and its worrying me does anxiety work this way too.?

24-04-11, 21:11

My brother in law died of a brain tumour and honestly-his symptoms were not just a headache and a bit of nausea.. It was a gradual decline in all sorts of ways-we all noticed him changing before he was diagnosed -he didn't even recognise the changes himself. His personality changed-there were all sorts of other things-but if I tell you what they were then you would only go looking for them.
What you have to remember is that a brain tumour will affect different bodily and mental functions depending on where it is located. It aggravates whatever part of the brain it is in and causes symptoms way beyond headaches.
It is a great idea to have your eyes tested-but other than that it is probably just an irrational fear-so please try not to worry! When you have seen the real thing unfold before your eyes you know what the reality of a brain tumour is:excl:

Take care :hugs:

24-04-11, 22:07
Wow thank you very much for all your responses!
I'll go to my GP in the week and see what he says.
I was very relaxed last night and only had a few pains in my nose which I was really glad about.
My anxiety's heightened though as my Dad had a rare brain tumor and sadly passed away from it, even though he never complained of any headaches or anything yet I'm still worrying. My dad also lost the function of one of his arms and his legs as well and I've convinced myself that's happening to me as well even though I know full well my arms and legs are fine.
But thank you again everyone it is so much appreciated and I feel a lot calmer now :-) x