View Full Version : still constant hunger and burning in back

23-04-11, 14:32
for just over a week now i have been feeling hungry 247 no matter what or how much i eat and this feeling is usually follow or this hunger feeling follows burning between shoulder blades and also a weird sometimes tight feeling just below ribs in the center if i rub it sometimes burp and also burning can sometimes be up in ribs area... its really stressing me out feeling hungry all day & night and also watery mouth its realy kicking off my anxiety and i just keep panicking as am scared i will over eat am sticking to little and often but i feel still hungry straight away and bad cravings for loads of choc but that kicks my acid off how can i stop this burning and hunger and what is it ??

asked doc and she thinks its either acid or my body just crying out for food it missed out on the past few months i stopped eating ??
does anyone else get constant hunger???

23-04-11, 18:43
please any1 !!

23-04-11, 19:48
Hi honey i was having this hunger feeling a few months ago i just wanted to eat all day .The doc said it was just part of my anxiety and worrying over my stomach.Now i have the opposite feeling full and no appetite and when i do eat i cant digest it for hours.its horrid but i do know the more we focus on it the worse it gets.kind regards

23-04-11, 20:00
When my anxiety is bad I want to eat all the time. Also if you haven't eaten in a while your body won't respond to huger/fullness cues. When I was recovering from my ed for a while I literally ate non-stop but once my body was used to having food again it did settle down.

I hope it eases up for you soon though!

24-04-11, 03:35
When my anxiety is bad I want to eat all the time. Also if you haven't eaten in a while your body won't respond to huger/fullness cues. When I was recovering from my ed for a while I literally ate non-stop but once my body was used to having food again it did settle down.

I hope it eases up for you soon though!

thanks the doc did say once i am eating right again this will stop and to just eat when i wanna eat etc but i just worry i will over eat as i have a phobia of vomiting xx

24-04-11, 08:15
When my anxiety is bad I want to eat all the time. Also if you haven't eaten in a while your body won't respond to huger/fullness cues. When I was recovering from my ed for a while I literally ate non-stop but once my body was used to having food again it did settle down.

I hope it eases up for you soon though!

its mainly once i have that first few bites etc i just want more food then when i have finished what am eating i just want it again my doc said its my body wanting what it has missed out on when i stopped eating and lost all the weight but it just wont stop and i freak about eating to much and its mainly sugar i crave!! which i dont really want to eat chocolates etc

24-04-11, 09:48
I don't know if it'll help but the constant hunger did eventually pass. I did eventually learn to follow hunger cues. I was the same once I started eating I couldn't stop. But now my eating is normal, my weight is pretty stable with the exception of when i'm really anxious and even then it just changes my eating patterns rather than the amount as I end up eating little and often rather than three meals etc.

Hopefully it will ease up soon. I'm sure it will it generally does. I know that eating stuff like porridge, wholemeal toast etc helped me... I think it was slowly trying to include less sugar I eventually went back to normal eating patterns (even though it felt like I'd never stop eating). I think if it's sugar you're craving don't try to just stop cos you'll want it even more just slowly reduce it til you are backk to normalish eating patterns. Anxiety will always mess it up slightly but I've learnt that accepting somedays are just going to be a nightmare food-wise means when those days happen I can get back to normal asap.

I really hope it eases up soon!