View Full Version : Sepration disorder

23-04-11, 15:06
Hi everyone
My problem started along time ago but came to a head when my husband died seven years ago got over that, well sort of,went back to work, loved my job my youngest still at home now he is leaving home and going to leave home and live with his gf and it's all back!!!! Ihate being so needy.Ihave three other chidren. They are all great I want to be happy for him , but am falling apart inside. Panic attacks. Anxiety , you name Ive got it can anybody relate to this.Sorry to have rambled on.

23-04-11, 15:16
Hi elizabeth1947

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

23-04-11, 20:05
Hi Elizabeth and :welcome:to NMP . sorry you are feeling like this .Its common for women to feel like this when the birds fly the nest .Its a very emotional time .Try to see it as you have done your job and its time for your Son to now find his own way in lfe .Without you ,he wouldnt have been able to do this .Being on your own will seem strange and you will feel emptyand sad for a while .Bu this will pass .Life is full of changes whether we like it or not .So perhaps you can now think of things you would like to do ,as you will have more time for yourself now .If hes anything like my son he will be home when he wants something .Boys always have a special place for their Mums .Dont sit at home thinking about how empty the house seems .But think of how less work you will have to do .Decorate his room and make it somewhere nice for him to come if he wants to stay over .Look into new hobbies and thing s in your area .After a while you will see it differently ,Till then be proud of the job you have done and wish your son well .He will always be there when you want him .Take care and enjoy the new chapter your life . Luv Sue x:hugs:

27-04-11, 07:02
Change is always so scary for me! I know when my kids started to move out I was terrified that they didn't need me anymore and for 20-something years my chief occupation was "MOM" :)
But after some time to transition, I LOVE THE PEACE AND QUIET!
Not that I don't miss having them living at home but I have time for me now! No one knocking on the bathroom door wanting to know what I'm doing. I can sleep in!!! I can buy something tasty at the grocery store and when I go to get it.....IT'S ACTUALLY STILL THERE :)
Oh and the best part.....GRANDCHILDREN!
I now have Grandchildren and they are so much easier than raising my own were! Mostly because being a Maw Maw is fun! I can play with them, feed them whatever I want, get them dirty, and send them home! HAHA

I know how you are feeling now and it's completely normal! We all get nostalgic and wonder where the time went! It seems like they grow up so fast!! But it's not an end to anything! Believe me, there are so many great times to look forward to!