View Full Version : anxious 24/7 ????

23-04-11, 18:05
i just want to know is it normal to feel anxious or on edge 24/7?
bcause i am constantly feeling like this all day long,sometimes worse then others but im never 100% right

23-04-11, 18:12
Yes, it can be like this. Usually in the evening for me, but not all the time, I sometimes can feel the anxiety letting up. I think it's because I work during the day and when I get home I feel some relief as the evening goes on. Then in the morning I usually wake up anxious (and through out the night) and I have it most of the day. As you work through your anxieties, hopefully you'll have times when it lessens. Are you on any medication?

23-04-11, 20:20
In my opinion, this is "normal" for an anxiety sufferer, however it's not normal per-say so if it's becoming a real problem, seek some help. first see your GP and they will decide the best course of actions ie, referral, medication etc.
I first started suffering with anxiety last july, it all began with palpitation and a massive panic attack where i ended up in A&E cause thought I was having a heart attack ( a very common occurance apparently!!!) anyway, for a few weeks many even months I felt anxious all the time, it was awful. but as u get the help u need u learn to manage it and the days where u feel anxious will become few and far between and life will become managable.
For now, my advice would be (and i know this isnt easy) dont focus on how anxious u feel, cause it makes it worse and u wind yourself up. try and distract yourself, read, watch tv, do exercise, talk to friends on the phone anything that works for you. and take care of yourself, eat right, try and get enough sleep avoid caffeine.
hope this helps, ur not alone chick xxxx

15-05-11, 12:31
My anxiety flares up every now and then and I'm a nut case 24/7. All the usual symptoms - sweaty hands, heart banging around the place, irritable, can't sit still, don't want to do anything, can't eat, can't sleep, dodgy tummy, tired, going to faint, going to die, etc., etc. I take half a xanax when I think I have reached my limit, breath myself through some of it, tell myself I am not going mad and will not die and try to get myself to believe that I am NOT my panic - my panic isn't part of me and it doesn't own me and try to take a step back and look at my panic as something harmless and stupid that I have created. Whether this works or not is debatable but it does pass the time and get me through. My level of madness varies throughout the day - sometimes I feel OK and wonder why I get myself in such a state but when it increases I can't see a way out - it's overwhelming. I just bought a downloadable relaxation CD so will give that a bash and see if it works. Try everything, don't dismiss anything - we are all different and what I thought didn't work and was a load of rubbish may be just what you need. Feel better :-)

15-05-11, 12:35
Sometimes being on here, replying and reading posts can make you feel a bit better. It's finding something that takes your mind of your anxiety that's the key. Eventually you find yourself thinking "I haven't felt so anxious for 5, 10 or 15 minutes" because you were doing something else. Sod's law though the moment you think that you will also start to think about your panic again = more panic - vicious circle. Keep busy and exercise. I hate exercise but have found that 20 mins running a day gives me a good high afterwards. Am I rambling?!

16-05-11, 02:38
Kate - Yes it can be normal to be anxious 24/7. I was like this when my anxiety was at its height, but I'm glad to say I am a lot better now and it is more related to certain situations. I'm probably always a little bit anxious though. I was largely helped by a combination of medication and some of the methods Vicky above mentions.


16-05-11, 04:22
Hi. I have anxiety 24/7 at the moment. It's as if I'm trying to keep a full blown panic attack at bay all the time. It's a bit like that dreadful, sicky nervous feeling I get when I'm waiting to see the Dentist (I have Dental phobia) without there actually being anything ahead that I'm nervous about (hope that makes sense)! I am trying to think of this as a 'blip' that will pass but it's been going on for about 6 weeks now. I'm finding it hard to eat and have lost a lot of weight, and it's not easy to sleep either. I'm also agoraphobic and haven't left the house much since this 'blip' started.