View Full Version : Eye freckle?

23-04-11, 18:19
I had an opticians appointment today... I hate them at the best of times (I react to opticians how some people react to the dentist). Only today they told me that I had a freckle on my eye (who knew you could get one?) anywho, the optician informed me I have to go to a specialist to get it checked out. She said she didn't think it was anything serious but did feel the need to inform me that it needs to be checked regularly as it can develop into cancer! I know it's rare but why tell me??? So I have spent the whole afternoon freaking out! And on top of that I have a number of opacities of the lens, minor damage to my corneas and I'm not producing enough tears.

Now I know why I hate the opticians.

Anyone else been told they have a freckle? Or just hate the opticians as much as I do?

23-04-11, 21:22

I have a freckle in my eye but no optician has ever mentioned it, I know it's there because I can see it!!!! Think I may mention it next time I have a check-up!

K xx

24-04-11, 12:06
Mines on the retina or more specifically on the macula (I'm doing a masters in Neuroscience so know all about how the eye works.... I don't even like learning about it let alone having issues with it) so it's at the back and can only be seen by the optician. Of course no matter how rare my mum tells me eye cancer is and that she had one 20 years ago and noting has happened and that it's not raised or affecting my vision so I should be fine I still can't let it go. On top of that I can feel my OCD starting come back.... I keep wondering if I'll ever be free of it. It's when I'm not worried about something and a doctor finds something... it freaks me out!

26-04-11, 16:16
I was told a couple of years ago by my optician that I had a freckle on my eye. (He was checking my eyes for my new glasses) I have a freckle on both eyes, approximately in the same place, which was very rare from what he told. He said it was not much to worry about, but we should keep an eye on it since it could turn malignant. I actually forgot all about it until I was reading this.

There are several opticians working in that store and I always hate to see that one, since he freaks me out every time I see him. He once told my late mom that she had a beginning stage of eye cataract (she was in her early fifties then) and that she should see a specialist asap. A couple of weeks later she went to a different optician, who told her he couldn't see anything of that kind.

I wouldn't freak out too much about it, I think it is very rare for a freckle in your eye to turn malignant, just as it is in the freckles we have on our skin.

lucy devine
28-04-11, 04:28
i have an eye freckle
i once mentioned it to my optician and they said it was completely fine and that I wasn't to worry about it
Try not to stress yourself too much over this and stay positive :)

29-04-11, 17:24
My friend has a freckle on her eye and she has never been told once that it was anything ot be worried about. I am the pot calling the kettle black though because I would be doing the same thing as you love. Freaking out :( *hugs* All I can say is to try forget about it dear xx

29-04-11, 18:57
Thanks guys. I don't know why it's freaking me out so much (other than the obvious fact I have anxiety) I had much weirder symptoms a few weeks ago that I didn't freak out about anywhere near as much. I have to go back tomorrow then go to the docs and get a referral. I think it's more because I'm coming to the end of my degree so the added stress is making my anxiety go through the roof. I just can't let this go.... it's been a week and my heart won't stop pounding. I almost had a panic attack when i was out for a run... that's never happened.