View Full Version : sertraline and propranalol

14-04-06, 01:20
i am on sertraline and propranalol for my anxiety and panic attacks. the sertraline is easy as its one tablet a day but i am left to decide if and when i need the propranalol rather than taking it every day. does anyone else get this choice? i thought it was a bit bizzare but i do think if i have an extremely stressful situation it can be quite good at working or during an attack.

14-04-06, 08:25

I was on propanolol for anxiety along with cipralex. At the beginning I was on 40mg twice a day and I have to say it was great. Towards the end though my GP said I could just take them if I needed them. They do still help but I certainly didnt feel so relaxed overall.

Incidentally I also developed a terrible night time cough when I was on them (so even when my anxiety improved enough to let me sleep, I couldnt because of my cough). Have you found this?

Coni X

14-04-06, 12:15
i've got asthma and i find the propranalol makes me more wheezy so i try to avoid it unless i realy need it. saying that i would rather have an asthma attack than a panic attack every time without fail.

14-04-06, 16:12

Maybe thats why your GP advised that you only use them when needed, I know they can worsen asthma symptoms. I totally understand what you are saying though, I was considering asking my GP if I could start taking propanolol again despite the cough.

Coni X