View Full Version : Skipped Heartbeats

23-04-11, 23:09
Good evening

Apologies for asking about this as I know there are lots of threads about palpitations but it is beginning to worry me quite a lot so was just after some reassurance. I have suffered from anxiety for years and started experiencing what I can only describe as skipped heartbeats for about the last three years, they were actually noticed when I started cycling. I went to the dr and had blood tests and an ECG and everything came back fine. I have experienced them off and on ever since but have just put up with them. On Monday night I started having them quite frequently though,we had gone to Bath for a break and were walking after dinner and I started to feel that familiar flutter, skip in the chest. I don't feel light headed, or faint, or anything like that, occasionally I feel a little squeeze in the chest but that's it. It lasted for a couple of hours but I had really bad indigestion/ trapped wind at the same time. Is it possible that the indigestion was causing the skipped beats?

Tonight I have been suffering from the same thing, every time I moved from room to room I would get a flutter and I am very bloated etc. I don't know if this is just something I should not ignore, but not get so upset about, or whether I should be heading for the nearest A and E department!! Any advice/ reassurance would be appreciated as Idont really have anyone to talk to about this stuff.

24-04-11, 01:08
well I started getting them 4 years ago, but maybe you could ask your doctor for a 24hour heart monitor test? you just wear the wires or a day and carry a little box around your shoulder, so you can do it at home.
I asked for it this year just because my heart rate was way too fast.
I also had chest x-ray and a heart scan.

but I had those tests done because my ecg wasn't very good! but your ECG was ok, bt then you say you feel like the heart palpitations have increased so it might be good to mention this to yor doctor next time.

I get the squeezing too always in the right side of chest,

look you dont need to go to A and E , :hugs: from how you describe your palpations all seems fairly normal.

If it helps, I get double beats, missed beats, flutters, hard beats, on a bad day my heart is pounding and going a bit crazy, i get dizzy, breathless etc....

28-03-12, 03:42
I too suffer from skipped heartbeats and have been for forty one years.
I would be happy to share my experiences with anyone.

28-03-12, 04:11
I get skipped heart beats, flutters, etc almost daily. They started back when I was a teen, and I'm now 46. I have told my doctors over the years about them, and they all told me it was normal. Once, even the nurse told me she gets them.

28-03-12, 14:00
I suffer from skipped heart beats and also from ibs. I think I read some where that ibs can caurse palpatations so maybe your bloating and stomach trouble isnt helping? Iv noticed i sometimes get palpatations when im really bloated!