14-04-06, 01:22
Is it possible to have anxiety and all the lovely symptoms that come with it, even tho we are not having a panic attack,

i hope u understand what i mean?

kate x

14-04-06, 01:31

I think it is possible. I deal with this everyday..for example: shaky, hot/cold, constant butterflies in my tummy, tension, jaw clenching..etc.

It is definitely my anxiety...I suffer with this all the time. Panic attacks do happen to me, but not often anymore.


14-04-06, 02:41
Hi Katy,

Yes this is very common and is classed as acute anxiety, I was suffering with this a few weeks ago, I wasn't having actual panic attacks, just very bad anxiety attacks.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

14-04-06, 08:15
Hi Katy - this is what I have, I occasionally have a panic attack but most of the time its the constant anxiety symptoms day in day out. Some days are better than others, but the anxiety s always there simmering in the background!
Love Helen

14-04-06, 09:16
Hi Katy

Yes I can definately relate to this - I have had several periods of what you describe - the thing to remember is that it will go away hun.

Love Pinky

14-04-06, 16:14
Hello katy--havnt seen ya for a while you ok?

Panic attacks are an intense version of anxiety.
I can have panic attacks , but i live with acute anxiety..panic attacks are a fast rush of adrenline .. that makes our bodies go into fight and flight..panic tricks that person katy that they are going to die then and there,of course they are not going to, but we certinley feels like that when it happens, it so so scary.

So many people turn up at A and E because they think they have had a heart attack, but when they do the tests to find out what has happend they find theres nothink wrong .. and its a classic panic attack, its not nice atall PA makes you chest feel like its crushing with pains, rapid heartbeat, feel sick, jelly legs, dizzyness, numb feeling in arms.. and many more symptoms but intense katy, some peoples symptoms can vary but more or less the symptoms i have written.. i wouldnt wish this on my worst enemy ..its horrendous.

Anxiety is dizzyness, blurred vison, feeling aggitated,missed beats,aches and pains,shaky,feeling depersonlized(basically not all here) hot flushes, feeling cold,tension headaches,sometimes you can feel paranoid,fast heart beat, slow heart beat,feeling nervous, crying easyly,and many many many more symptoms.

Katy you can get anxiety and panic together, and you can get it separate.

How have you been feeling latley and are you stll taking them tablets love.


15-04-06, 01:33
mine is mostly axiety and dont get real bad panic attacks are i dont see them as that i get sweaty palms real bad and sweaty feet while getting up in the morning with my heart beating fast and it does it as well when i drink coffee my hands will sweat real bad and i get really bad nausea as well i get really worked up over the nausea.