View Full Version : Help!

24-04-11, 01:49
Ok so here goes. Let me start off by saying that I'm 21 so my hormones are all over the place. I'm embarassed to admit that I've been masterbating since I was 14. I've never had an issue until now. When I masterbate, my heart pounds/races which I know is normal. But today I noticed this weird chest pain I had that was in the whoel region of my chest. Not particularly in the middle.. But on both sides. It was like a burning chest pain. It really freaked me out as I was a little short of Breath and my heart was going.


Reading this has only made me feel like I will drop dead any minute.

I'm really scared, Here I I am thinking I can handle anything cuz my heart is supposed to be healthy and now I guess I'm wrong. Please Help, I am so scared right now.

24-04-11, 02:17
ok first off masturbation is normal and healthy.

hmm the chest pain could be heart burn maybe? if you get it while exercising too i would mention it to your doctor.

do you have asthma?
Don't believe everything you read .

so you only got this chest pain/sensation one time and it went away?
I really don't think it has anything to do with sex, more likely the fact your heart rate was up or just heartburn/indigestion.


24-04-11, 02:37
Thanks for your reply. I wanna believe it heartburn too because I was also burping a lot. But that could be because of overbreathing and swallowing too much air.

Honestly, I really don't wanna believe the article but the chest pain it describes is the same chest pain I get when I get my anxiety attacks. It's like a sudden rush of adrenaline pain.

I'm really scared that me masterbating since I WAS a young kid has affected my heart after all these years. Could I be allergic to adrenaline? :weep:

24-04-11, 02:46
I guess but anxiety symptoms often overlap with symptoms of other conditions.
if you had anything wrong it should show up on your ECG and blood work.

masturbation didn't harm you lol, if anything sex calms you down, relaxes you, it's pretty good for the soul

you cannot be allergic to something your own body produces! but the anxiety can make you over sensitive too everything, there for setting off your anxiety .

Adrenaline is what the doctors inject into people who are having a bad allergic reaction.

what kind of pain are you talking about?

24-04-11, 02:55
I meant the pain in my chest. It's a pain that lasts for like a second. It's like a rush in my chest and it makes my heart start pounding or racing and it takes my breath away for a second as well. I've had many heart test and they were presumably fine so this is really puzzling me.

So there's no way I can can be allergic to adrenaline right?

24-04-11, 03:20
no you can't be allergic to the adrenaline your own body produces.

well its very common to get sharp stabbing chest pains with anxiety , I think its just a muscle thing where your muscles tense up.

look when your body fires off adrenaline, you get chest pain, your heart races, sweating,shaking,tunnel vision, your blood pressure goes up,..... it's 100% normal

honest x

"Gastroesophageal reflux or GERD causes your stomach to create excess acid which is backed” up into your esophagus which in turn creates heart burn and chest pain"

"Esophageal spasm : This causes your lower esophagus to contract and also disturbs the muscles in your chest wall. This is a random and involuntary contraction of a series of muscles."

"High levels of stress over a prolonged period of time can cause muscle tightness and tension. This can lead to all kinds of aches and pains all over, including the chest area"

just some of the normal things than can cause harmless chest pain.