View Full Version : Lonely and scared

24-04-11, 09:49
I am feeling so alone and lonely at the moment. I have no friends or family. My children are very close to one another but exclude me in their lives. I am panicking over every little thing and my anxiety is off the scale. Doctor has given me some diazepam to get me over the holiday as there is nothing or no-one to help me. Why Me :weep::scared15:

24-04-11, 10:19
Hi Marnie, I'm so sorry you feel bad at the moment, hopefully the diazapam will help in the short term, then make an appointment with your gp and really talk to him/her tell them exactly how you are feeling, also have you told your kids how you feel, if they don't know they won't be able to help. It is always best to talk these things over, as it will help, meanwhile take care :hugs: