View Full Version : scared, no actually im terrified :( whats wrong with me?

24-04-11, 11:39
Hi everyone,

I fear i am losing the plot :(

For the last 5 days or so ive been getting this sensation - i will descibe it the best i can:
tingling/creeping sensation in various parts of my body, usually starts in my legs and works its way up. Totally random, i could be doing something or just sitting when it happens. It kinda feels like when a part of you goes numb and you get that tingly thing before you get pins and needles thats the only way i can describe it. but i never get the pins and needles bit and i never feel numb....
so im lying in bed at 6am this morning and i feel it all up my right side, im petrified that something bad is going to then happen, like a stroke or heart attack or something i just dont know :( so im now wide awake, just waiting for something to happen. I concentrated on my breathing and made sure it was nice and slow, deep breaths, i tried to make sure my body was relaxed and i told myself again and agian it would pass, i was fine and it would be ok.......it didnt work :( it moved from my right side to my left, and then all the way up my body, but it lingers most on my thighs. I also feel trembly. Im so scared i have something wrong with me, how can anxiety give me such physical sensations, i know im actually feeling them and im not just thinking im feeling them.
i dont want to be on my own, im almost bloody 40 and im afraid to be on my own, what on earth is that all about?? Im only just managing to go to work, i have to really push myself to go. My kids (teenagers) need me to be strong and they dont know that i feel like this, i have kept it from them but its gettng so hard to hide now :(
im so afraid i have some neurological condition, im terrified to the core :(

whats wrong with me? i just want to live my life like a normal person :(


24-04-11, 12:22
also just had another way to describe it, know when you get shivers up and down your spine?? its like that but inbetween my bones and skin?? i know that probably does not make any sense but just thought would add it just incase someeome does decide to reply to me

24-04-11, 12:37
Hi Linda, I post on here from time to time, in fact I have one now, and I know how we all need that re assurance from time to time. I saw you had no replies as yet, well if you are like me, that must mean it is bad and no one has a sympathetic word for you, if you are like me, you sit and hope to get an answer, refreshing the page getting more and more agitated, the list goes on, SO Linda, not a Dobctor but as a person who has had what you are feeling I had to reply, it really isnt anything serious, I too get those feelings, it is hard to describe but looking at your post that is exactly how I would describe it as well, sometimes adding a feeling of being cold, while not actually being cold, again I am sure you will know what I mean. I dont know why it happenes, and I do know it is a real feeling 'not in your head' feeling as I say I get it as well and like you convinced myself it was this or that, stroke has been my favourite !! ( huh favourite!, you know what I mean), and Like you I sit and worry and 'relax' and then think of the ones that need me and then worry about them, and all the time convinced I am relaxed, if you step back and look, you arent really that relaxed are you ? you might be douing all the right things, deep breaths sitting / lieing comfortably etc, but inside it is all, what is it / why ? what happenes next ? who looks after the children ? they must never know ? I must be strong ? the list goes on and on.

All I can promise you is this, I get the feelings / sensations you have described and I have had them on and off for over 20 years, and Linda I am here to reply to your thread, so it cant be all bad can it ?
Most of us here are here looking for support and or help advice etc, because we are all sufferers in different ways, so if you dont get answers too quickly, sometimes it is simply because people are searching for their own before helping others, very understandable but frustrating when it is you that needs a reply.

Linda, stay cool, keep well and although they are 'real' the feelings will go away, if you can, and this is so hard, do something to take your mind of them, they lose their power and bugger off some where else, ignore them as and when you can, they will get bored and leave.

Happy Easter.


24-04-11, 13:23
Hello Linda

Sorry to hear you are having a bad time at the moment, as with most of these feelings we all get they will clear and you will feel better soon.

You are obviously doing a great job with your family (teenagers) and sometimes it doesn't hurt to mention to them you aren't feeling 100% and maybe get a little more help from them around the house.

I've done this before with my own kids without goig into all the gory details :) and it helps take a bit of the pressure off.

Best wishes


25-04-11, 20:49
Thank you for the replies xx
im no better, worse infact, it was the same last night, went bed fell asleep then about 2 hours later woke up trembling/shaking/tingling on the inside all over :( started to panic and cry so went to the chat room where some kind folks calmed me down a bit.
i dont know what time i eventually fell asleep but it was after 3am!
woke this morning with no trembling, was v happy, tired but happy.

Now its back :'( its in my legs, torso and arms/hands. i really cant take handle this :( im on my own, well my daughter is here but im just so scared of it :(

25-04-11, 21:03
Hi linda im so sorry you are suffering right now ,im going through similiar .I get this feeling when im falling off to sleep and it wakes me straight back up,,in fact it happened the other night and i woke up shaking from head to toe.I had to call my partner home from nightshift .The doc told me it is bad anxiety and once i stop worrying about it will go.easier said than done.Im also going through stuff with my stomach so im a wreck too.I also know what its like to be on your own with the panic i was on my own with my son for years with panic attacks and anxiety and it is very frightening.Please try and remember that although these sensastions are horrid and scarey they cannot hurt you at all ,they just scare the hell out you.I hope you are a wee bit better tonight.kind regards molly

25-04-11, 21:22
thank you mollly

what i cant get out of my head is that its not anxiety and that i will come to serious harm :(
i try to relax and ignore it but instead of that helping it gets worse, i so wish i could swap bodies with someone else so i can feel what it is like to be normal again


25-04-11, 21:23
hi Linda

I too had the very symptoms you talk of the shivery odd feeling inside, i went to gp and it was dismissed as "anxiety" i ofcourse didnt believe the gp, and worried over the symptoms for a while, during this time i went on cbt with no panic and although i was 100% convinced the symptoms i had was some bad disease i had a few weeks into my cbt it disappeared.

I am having really rough time myself with HA and know the anxiety symptoms we have are so scary, it does terrify the living daylights out of me, so know how scared you feel, as going through anxiety is something we do on our own unfortunately, but honestly i have had the same as you and when i learned not to be scared of it, the funny sensation inside left... i so wish my recent HA problem would do the same x
take care and hope you feel better soon x

25-04-11, 22:10
Hi linda i know what you mean when you say you just want to be normal again i say this every day as i dont remember a day in the last 10 years where i felt normal.Ive spent years being scared of every wee symptom its awfull and takes over our lives.This feeling you are getting just try and see it as just that a feeling ,it feels awfull but it will pass and you will still be here to tell the tale.It cannot and will not hurt you,as ive had it many many times.Try and maybe read a book in bed ,something that will maybe take your mind of it,this is what i have been doing lately to try and take my mind of my stomach at least at night.Please remember we are all feeling the same so you are never going through all this completley alone.kind regards molly

25-04-11, 23:02
thanks katie and molly
it is reasuring to know others either feel or have felt the same as me. This trembling/shaking is there ALL the time, it just varies in intensity :( i can be moving around doing stuff not even thinking about it at all, as soon as i stop and stand still or sit down its there in the background working away.....thats whats worrying me now, why is it there all the time, to me that means its not anxiety but something else really bad. There seems to be no trigger for it, it just started what seems like months ago and it just wont stop!!!

L x

25-04-11, 23:33
I get tingly feelings in my feet from diabetes (usually high blood sugar), also trembling and shakeyness when I am at low blood sugar, it doesn't seem quite the same as you are describing it but you can always get tested.

25-04-11, 23:34
Hi Linda, to be honest its there because your worrying about it, i used to lay flat in bed trying to hold my breath to try to pinpoint where it was coming from but it flowed through my body like my blood, i could feel the trembles from tip of my toes to top of my head and like u when i was trying to ignore it i felt it more at times, my cpn told me it was because it was trying to tell me it was still there as a bully does, intimidating me every time it could and when i gave it my thoughts it had won again, and as scared as i was i tried so hard to ignore it, and eventually it started to feel less n less till it disappeared, and although i do feel it at times when im stressed it has not got the hold over me it had... linda i know how u feel when u say your worrying its something else because its still there, i was lucky that my gp would be happy to reassure me, dont know if your gp is good like that, but if you felt u would get the support i would try talking to them as sometimes hearing reassurance from a mdeical minded person helps more..
i hope you start to feel better soon
anxiety is a bully , one day we will beat this xx

26-04-11, 00:52
If it's any consolation to you, i suffered something similar. I remember one day when i was teaching having this crawling sensation run from my neck to my forehead and when i left for home that day my face actually felt numb to the touch. I had these sensations along with a dizzy/spaced out feeling that lasted over 3 months (daily). I too used to think 'but i don't even feel anxious now, why is this still happening?' and i found that it is because you are still paying attention to it, obsessing about it. Don't pay it any attention. Just accept that it is anxiety and, eventually, it will go away. Failing that, go see a doctor, but i'm pretty sure this is all just anxiety.

26-04-11, 13:02
Hi Linda

I can completely understand why you sometimes think this can't be anxiety and how it must be something life threatening! Basically this is when the anxiety has got you almost worrying 100% of the time even subconsciously, I think this is why someone can wake in the night and immediately have the sensations that are scaring them.

Sometimes it can be of great benefit to go back to the basics of recovering from heightened anxiety. After a recent set back after basically ten years of fairly anxiety free living I'm doing this myself.

When I get the symptoms of anxiety (and they can strike everyone in different ways)
I imagine I roll these feelings into a ball, say to myself "stop now" and throw the ball away. I then sit down or lay on the bed and concentrate on my breathing, take a good breath in counting to seven, then a good steady breathe out to the count of 10.
Repeat this until you start to feel calmer, obviously it helps if you do this when you have a bit of time to yourself and there are no teenagers scrapping outside your bedroom :-).
Once you feel more relaxed go about your usual business in a slightly calmer fashion, take your time with everything and like others here have mentioned read a book or listen to a bit of music when you can and try not to focus in on any negative feelings or sensations.

I hope this helps, even in a small way it is the road to recovery.

Best wishes


26-04-11, 20:27
im overwelmed with the messages of support!
thank you guys so much for the comforting words and encouragment.
Im still trembling BUT it is less today than it was yesterday and i did manage to get a sleep last night.
My sister is going to come through and stay with me on friday night =- im hoping i can have a chat with her and get rid of some of my worries, finges crossed it works

thanks again xx

ps i will probably be back lol

26-04-11, 20:50
Glad you are feeling a little better any progress is a bonus

sure chatting with your sister will really help. always great when you get someone to talk to
