View Full Version : couldn't put it correctly into words

24-04-11, 16:01
Was trying to find the right words for previous post think i have it now lol.

I suffer from Ha have done for years, but my question is, how do you know its anxiety that makes us feel as it does?

In my case im waiting on a smear test result taken nearly 3 weeks ago, im out of my mind with worry even though gp says im in low risk group, nurse has said everything looked perfect etc yet im still worried sick had loads of reassurance and support...
so why am i still worried as much?
How can anxiety make it feel so bad?

plus how can anxiety make symptoms?

thanks for your time reading this and for any feedback xxx

24-04-11, 17:35
hi there anxiety causes symptoms because it causes our bodies to tense and release adrenilan which in turn can produce a array of horrid symptoms ,believe me ive had them all.I do know how you feel waiting on a smear test result it can really get the anxiety going.I am sure everything will be fine though .take care molly

24-04-11, 17:56
hi katie,
do you mean how does anxiety give you such physical symptoms??? im always wondering why the doctor can say its anxiety when the symptoms are so very physical and there all the time, and i always wonder if i do indeed have something wrong with me but they are just saying its anxiety and not diagnosing correctly.
its exactly how molly sais, adrenalin. I just cant understand why on earth it chooses to kick in like this and make our lives a misery!!! I know logically i have HA but when it kicks in my logical mind vanishes and im just a mess :(
having a real bad time myself at the moment so sending you a (((hug)))
i always worried about my smear test results before i had HA, i think its a very natural reaction to the test that you are having, ive not been due one since having this but i am later on this year, im dreading it already :(

24-04-11, 18:24

thanks for both your replies, anxiety is a horrible illness, i guess waiting on smear results is worrying at best of times, but think that when u have HA as well it makes the feelings much worse, so understand what you mean your both so right when you say about anxiety making symptoms worse, but guess what worried me was believing it was anxiety making me worry about whatever health issue i had when infact it was actually my own body saying something was actually really wrong, if that makes sense.. i think im scared to believe my smear will be ok after all the doctor/nurses comments incase its my body saying hey something is wrong instead of anxiety making me think that... what a muddled web we weave lol thanks again xxxxx

25-04-11, 01:47
If you are in a low risk group then it is very unlikely there is anything to worry about. My main fear is the big C although cervical cancer is the one that least worried me. The smear test was the worst part of it all, and then they told me they may have to retake it! Luckily I got the results 3 days later and everything was normal, it still didn't stop me from wondering whether the test results were accurate but I put that down to irrational thoughts!
As for anxiety causing physical symptoms, all the above comments have summed it up. You can get the most physical symptoms from something which is a psychological disorder, it's a very underestimated condition unfortunately :-(

25-04-11, 11:45
If you are in a low risk group then it is very unlikely there is anything to worry about. My main fear is the big C although cervical cancer is the one that least worried me. The smear test was the worst part of it all, and then they told me they may have to retake it! Luckily I got the results 3 days later and everything was normal, it still didn't stop me from wondering whether the test results were accurate but I put that down to irrational thoughts!
As for anxiety causing physical symptoms, all the above comments have summed it up. You can get the most physical symptoms from something which is a psychological disorder, it's a very underestimated condition unfortunately :-(

The symptoms scare the life out of me, because i then imagine the reason i have the symptoms must be because there is something wrong with me... my doctor said that i have nothing to worry about as all the risk factor for cervical cancer dont relate to me except one, secondly i dont have any symptoms of the illness either, although i have been achy around my period which many others have too, but none of other symptoms relate to me either..
when nurse did test i spent a while telling her how anxious and worried i was regarding everything and she gave me a thorough check out/in and said everything looked perfectly healthy and in the right place, now although that is just under 3 weeks ago i cant rest as im still really worried that i could still have something wrong.

I understand from suffering before the anxiety can make you have symptoms for almost any condition even knowing that still scares at times, thank you for your reply take care xx