View Full Version : Anxiety symptoms without anxiety??

24-04-11, 18:36
Hi - hope someone can help me.

For 6 days now i have been feeling "out of sorts" whereby i have had the feeling of being:

spaced out
weird vision, like everything is either nearer or further away than it really is (NOT dizziness though)
bit deaf
numb (can't feel any emotion)
not my usual bubbly self

....but with absolutely no reason for it!!! I have a great job, house, husband, friends network and things in life in general are really good. I have taken up running (since January) and my training is going well and making me feel great! So....where are these symptoms coming from??

I came off Citalopram in December (and had a HORRIFIC experience) and had a weird deaf thing whereby i lost my hearing for several hours which resulted in me taking steroids over Christmas. Since the 2nd week of January though i have felt fine and really pleased with my progress in coming off the meds.

Until now.

I have had a look at various bits on the internet and what i am describing sounds like anxiety.

Is there any way I could be suffering from anxiety without knowing it?

I sleep well, eat well, exercise, rarely drink alcohol and this just came on suddenly???

Any help greatly appreciated!

In the last few months (before the above) i felt my body and mind and soul were just soooooooo totally bursting with happiness I just can't describe,......feels like i have just come crashing back down to earth with a horrible and confusing bang. I can almost feel depression starting to creep back in which is rubbish as i don't feel depressed! for once in my life i feel happy!


PS i came off Citalopram in the first place to try for a baby.....it isn't happening as I dont seem to be ovulating so am thinking i may just go back on the meds :-(

24-04-11, 19:38
Perhaps this is the ups and downs of life all people experience. Because we are so tuned in to looking for anxiety symptoms we tend to over react to them when they happen. When ever I have a period of feeling better I kind of feel its too good to be true and when I suddenly have a down day I can start to spiral downhill very quickly.

24-04-11, 20:48
Perhaps so how you go for a week seeing as you have been doing so well ??
Hope you feel better soon .

27-04-11, 17:59
Thanks to both of you for repling,

Went to the Drs today and apparently i am just associting whatever i am feeling with how i felt when i was first depressed 2 years ago and now I have turned it into this myself??

Have been referred for counselling to see if i can pinpoint and remove the source of my supposed anxiety (although i still don't feel anxious)

Just had a nap tho and all the way thru (40 mins) i kept jumping and my heart was beating out of my chest for no reason!

Stupid body and mind :-(

27-04-11, 18:17
Only thing i could suggest is trying to relax as much as possible , i started to feel better when i focused on something i enjoyed like my hobbies , the more my mind fix,s on something i,m doing that i like i forget about my stomach , ibs , lump in the throat (i,m falling to bits ..lol.) and it really helps . Make time for you :D
Hope the trying for a little un goes well :yesyes:

27-04-11, 18:24
Thanks Mel2!

To be honest there is no trying at the moment as i'm not even ovulating yet!!! it's crazy and some think it may be the source of my anxiety OR my anxiety (which i don't know i have) is causing my cycle to be all over the place!

Thanks for your advice and for listening....I also suffer from IBS which sucks too! The main thing about all this that's affecting me to the point where it's impacting on my life is the mental blocks/fogginess and blurry eyes thing!

I am determined to keep the exercise up and have arranged to go camping this weekend for fun! I am not really that out doorsy but we have just bought a new tent as i am gonna give it another go....at the end of the day i can just chill, sleep, play cards, walk and generally get away from these 4 walls I've been mooching around for the last 3 days!

Hope you're feeling better too chick...PM me if you wanna chat :-)