View Full Version : worried about laser eye surgery

24-04-11, 19:13
Hi, im back again,

i have my consultation for laser surgery on Tuesday, and panic has set in. The receptionist who booked me in said to allow two hours for my consultation. What on earth will they be doing to me for two hours? She also said they dialate the pupils so they can see the back of the eye, ive never had this done even though i wear contacts and glasses and have yearly check ups for this, im now worried they might find eye cancer etc and its nearly turning me off the whole thing now...

Ive had a tiny clear bubble on my left eye for years and years (never changed or anything and the optician said its a 'weak spot') has anyone else got anything like this? and every day i see a few floaters in my vision, is that normal? :(

24-04-11, 19:24
Please think carefully before having laser eye surgery and read all the info on possible after effects as they will be with you for life. I was born with severe eye problems so have been given huge amount of info re eyes over the years and I know more than I want to:huh:

Before doing laser eye surgery they need to be absolutely sure that you are suitable, there are many reasons why someone may not be suitable and that is why they need to dilate your pupils etc etc. The dilation makes your vision go completely blurred and can last anything from 4 hrs to 24 hrs depending on what they use.Make sure you take sunglasses for when you leave.

To be honest you sound so stressed out just going for the consultation that I am amazed you are even thinking of having the surgery. I will not list the possible long term effects you can find that out yourself from the literature the company give you. Some people have noproblems afterwards but ask at your consultation the percentage ofpeople treated who report problems afterwards with that company.

24-04-11, 20:39

I had eye laser surgery with Optimax last January and it is the best thing I've ever done. There was no pain what-so-ever, just an uncomfortable feeling for a day or 2 which was totally manageable without medication.

They do all sorts of tests on your eyes before surgery just to make sure you are suitable. It takes a while because once they put the drops in to dilate your pupils you have to wait for it to work. It does make your vision a bit strange afterwards but it just wears off after a couple of hours.

The surgery itself is pain-free and is over in a matter of minutes. I would highly recommend it, but that's from my own personal experience.

Good luck with whatever you decide.
K xx

24-04-11, 21:41
I had laser eye surgery last July. I was booked in 2 hours before but think I was only there an hour in the end. Don't worry this is normal.
I had it done with Optical Express, it went really well, I was of course so scared as I suffer anxiety, I just kept reminding myself why I was having it done. (because glasses looked so awful on me lol, and needed them all the time)

I have almost 20/20 vision now, my one eye is not quite as good as the other. I do still get dry eye which is a risk with laser eye surgery.

I paid extra and had the wavefront because i used to get glare when driving at night and it can be made worse, but wavefront treats a bigger area to improve this.

Even though I have little complaints like dry eye, I would still do it again tomorrow.

I hope you have a voucher towards your surgery, I have one for £300 towards my surgery.

Best of luck. xxx

25-04-11, 01:10
Hi Fred

Been considering this myself, but I'm not sure I've got the guts to go through with it. Floaters are quite normal, all part of getting older. As for the weak spot, they should advise you if this is likely to be a problem. I would have thought most serious things would be picked up by your routine examination at the opticians, so doubt you have anything to worry about really. This surgery does seem to have improved as time has gone on and thousands if not millions of people worldwide must have had it done now. I am ok with my glasses, but would just like the freedom of being able to see well without them, but can't decide whether or not it is worth the risk of surgery. If I were you Fred, you've come so far I would try and brave the consultation, but say you'll think about it afterwards to give yourself chance to decide if it's for you without any pressure.

Loops - you mentioned dry eye, I know this is one of the common side effects. How does this affect you and what do you have to do to deal with it?


26-04-11, 16:03
Hi guys,

Well I was terrified but I made myself go for the consultation cause this is something I really feel would vastly improve my life.

It was FINE, can't believe I was so worried, most of it was just talking with a few tests thrown in. There was nothing painful and each test only took a few seconds. They also answered all my questions and I feel I'm definitely ready to proceed now. I almost wish I could have got it all done today haha

There were loads of people who had just gotten it done in the waiting room, and all of them were delighted and surprised at the lack of pain etc.

So there you go, I reckon we should all GO FOR IT!!!