View Full Version : Hi i'm Emma.

24-04-11, 20:13
Hi everyone
I'm Emma and have been suffering with a severe panic disorder for 8 years now, everyday im getting worse and worse been on all sorts of tablets, amitriptyline, prozac, citalopram, diazepam to name a few. Am now under a psychiatrist and am also doing cbt but not sure if it's helping! As im now feeling so ill i dont want to leave the house as i get so dizzy and unbalanced and have to rush home. My children are suffering as i feel they are missing out on all the fun things i would love to do, days out,holidays ect. My partner no longer can go to work as i cant bare to be on my own incase i faint, i spend much of my life in bed crying, too scared to move as everything spins, have had an mri scan all ok and been an seen an ear specialist and all ok. I also have daily panic attacks and have just been put on 100mg of pregabalin 3 times a day and also can take 1 lorazepam when needed, been on these for just over a week now but they are making even more dizzy but want to try them for the full 2 weeks before i give up!
Just want to feel well again. Looking forward to reading lots of posts on here, am hoping to find some much needed help. Em x

24-04-11, 20:15
Hi big-em

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

24-04-11, 21:42
:welcome: Hi Emma, welcome to the club!

I've been suffering with anxiety long term, and know how disruptive it can be, but there's a lot of good advice on offer here from a sincere group of fellow sufferers. This forum has helped me a lot and I've made good friends along the way who have helped me to deal with things better.

Wishing you all the best Emma.

25-04-11, 13:58
Hi Em :welcome: to the site :welcome::D:hugs:

I am so sorry to hear how bad things are for you :hugs: my heart goes out to you.

This site is a great place to be, there are lots of nice people hear who will help and support you. If you wish to chat, there is a chat room, so you can chat to other members.



Vanilla Sky
25-04-11, 21:36
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

25-04-11, 22:58
Hi Emma! Your post reads very like my life a year ago when my anxiety really kicked off. I suffered from the dizzy, spinning feelings and it really panicked me. I visited the doctors repeatedly and suffered with the dizziness for over three months....daily! It only subsided when i went to see an ENT and had an MRI. All clear! Turns out my doctors opinion on my first visit was correct: anxiety! I know it's really hard to do, but you need to drag yourself out of the house and MAKE yourself do things.If you don't, fear sets in and so will agoraphobia. The more you focus on your symptoms, the longer they will remain. You WILL feel better again, you just need to work at it!
Good luck with everything

25-04-11, 23:22
Hi Emma

I have noticed pregabalin has made me very dizzy, but I also think it helps with anxiety. I think its reacting with something I used to have called Migrane Associated Vertigo, two times I have taken a double dose (200mg at night when I missed it in the morning) and I got an attack each time (invovles being so dizzy I can't see anything, my eyes involuntarily move from side to side) I take 200mg a day, 100mg in morning and 100mg at night, it still leaves me quite dizzy when I move my head and everything will spin for half a second sometimes.

But if you were feeling dizzy before you were on these tablets then it may be something else, but perhaps talk to your doctor about the possibilty of migrane associated vertigo

01-05-11, 16:07
Thanks everyone! So nice to know i'm not alone with this horrible illness. Thanks again for all your support xx

02-05-11, 14:28
Hi My name is George - I sound very much lke u - I have a suffered form anxiety disorder and panic attacks for 15 years - I take citrolopram and have just completed cbt. Today I feel terrible have had panic attacks all day and can't stop them.A few years ago I soent 2 week in bed crying over nothing .My 2 children know when I start to feel bad and my boyfriens trys to help me - but ultimately I know its ony me who can help myself! I try very hard every day but Sometimes have to rush home where I feel safe.Sorry to go on !