View Full Version : anxious in ohio

24-04-11, 22:25
:blush: Hi i am new here and i have been experiencing a difficult 2 mnths now had panic attacks my whole life nothing major and very few till recently anxiety attcks first more productive after a depression then body aches and head hurts couldnt sleep then they gave me meds kolonipins to start then celexa then lexapro very scared of pills will they help with the body aches eventually or am i stuck like this forever

26-04-11, 06:07
If they don't work, call your doctor and ask him/her to prescribe a new one! Don't try to fret too much, you're psyching yourself out. You'll be okay, just have a little faith.

26-04-11, 06:16
Welcome to the site. It's really hard to tell right away if a med is going to work for you or not. You just have to give time for your body to adjust to it. I know that meds are scary. Perhaps tell your doc how you feel and see if he/she can help you to feel better about taking them.

26-04-11, 16:36
thank you for your replies they are appreciated very much just get a little nervous that it will never leave

paula lynne
26-04-11, 18:56
Hi liljen, a belated welcome to the best site on the net for help with anxiety and panic, so good to have you here with us, youre not alone x:welcome:

27-04-11, 06:53
Welcome to a great forum with a bunch of great ppl, it really is to early to tell, I can tell you this, from personal experience, when it seems like it's gonna last a lifetime and there is no end insight, I assure you it won't and you will find something that will work for you to accept and cope until oneday soon it won't even really phase you.

Good luck and you've come to the right site
