View Full Version : is anxiety this bad

25-04-11, 04:01
:blush: hi all scared and afraid here why can anxiety manifest in whole body aches anyone else have this problem. this started almost a mnth ago worrying alot about this mom says give it time it will pass take the meds and see but i am scared of the meds they cause terrible side effects and i dont know what to do, can anyone help me with this and reassure me that it going to be ok

25-04-11, 08:57
Hi Liljen,

Most people experience anxiety as physical symptoms as well as emotional ones, its really common to feel the aches and pains as well- probably because you're muscles are often tense. You could try a relaxation technique called Progressive Muscular Relaxation which tenses and relaxes all the muscle groups in your body - there are some video clips on you tube but I would recommend buying a CD with the full technique on. Do it once a day and it really helps bring down anxiety levels.
You should talk to your GP about any worries about medication, for some people they really work, but some prefer to use behavioural therapy like CBT to manage anxiety, which your doctor can tell you about.
You're not alone and things can get better especially with the support of the people around you.

Take care xx

25-04-11, 16:58
thank you for your reply i needed advice about this i was scared it was only me i kept thinking i was dying all the time from something i will try these videos and see how it goes thank you for your input:)

25-04-11, 19:36

I guess I have anxiety in my depression and this often imobilises me, I even find it physically difficult to get off the sofa at times because of it. I also have more aches and pains and my breathing is a bit out of control at the moment too.

Take care,


26-04-11, 04:02
I hate anxiety its been a few weeks for me now and i hate feeling so crappy and i just wanna get well i get up i excersice and the tension just stays maybe i need the meds to stop the cycle

27-04-11, 10:03
Hi liljen,

It is unbelievably hard, but not impossible. If you can do some basics to help yourself you'll find that things gradually improve, eat well and regularly, take time to relax before going to bed, if you can get some exercise thats great. Keep talking to people too, it helps to identify what is worrying you and get other peoples thoughts on it xx