View Full Version : Sudden Tiredness/Fatigue

25-04-11, 13:51
Does anyone else experience sudden tiredness/fatigue? I get it daily, 2-3 times a day. When it happens I could just close my eyes and sleep. I get very moody and snap at people around me. Similar to how we get moody and snappy in the "fight or flight" situations.

Funny thing is though, when it happens I work myself up, have a panic attack and it goes away. It's as if the panic attack cures it. The only other thing that will cure it is a beer.

It could happen anywhere at any time. Really does my head in!!

25-04-11, 20:46
I am someone whom also endures fatigue. not nearly as frequent as yourself, but none the less it happens. I find that my fatigue comes after a long stretch of anxiety and panic. Guess the body can handle so much before going into lethargic mode. Quite frustrating when you are trying to deal with your panic issues and someone wants to pester! :mad:

Good lord! I sound like a grumpy old man! :ohmy:

26-04-11, 19:07
James, I also have experienced periods of fatigue with my anxiety. Usually it is after entering that state that I become more likely to have an attack. Fortunately over time my energy has begun to return, although I am still wiped out by late afternoon (as opposed to a year ago when I was exhausted by lunchtime).

I can't say that having an attack makes the fatigue go away for me. Usually, I am just that much more wiped out.