View Full Version : A change in my life wish me good luck pls

andrew england 2
14-04-06, 13:15
I have been writing a diary of my experience on escitalopram and the main thing I have learnt from writing my diary is just how inactive I have been over the period since I began it.

Small changes may have have come from taking the anti depressant but they are so small I am unable to see them myself it certainly has not been like a ray of light of breaking thru the darkness.

I put my spare house up for sale a few weeks ago and it was rented out and I was trying to sell a house with a sitting tenant which isn't the best thing to do esp' when the house quite clearly needs work doing on it to make it saleable after having had a tenant in it for a few yrs which has left the house scruffy.

Well she is leaving next week and I need to hang a new front door and 3 internal doors and a new back gate and do some small basic brick work and relawn the back lawn as well as generally clean and smarten the property up, this will be a stressful and emotional thing for me to do and to be honest I would have preferred the house to sell straighaway but the market is quiet and I do need to be busy and do things that do have a real motivation behind them and I also have a clicking in my leg and knee which while not painful is worrying and untested in a work enviroment and waiting for the nhs is like waiting forever so while it will hurt to do this work it does have the answer to making me busy and keeping my mind off worrying and it will test my knee out and it all goes well the house will be finished in a few weeks I will reduce the price and I will get it rid and I will go back to work.

I just have no answers as to how the escitalopram is working yet cos I have missed a few doses thru drinking which wasn't a clever thing to do but until I live an active life and live in normal stresses and strains and have problems and rewards I will not know if it is working at all.

So wish me good luck pls............................................... ..............

14-04-06, 14:04
You sound like you've got a lot on your plate at the moment, good luck. Although a nuisance i think clicking knees is a common man thing, my dads always had it.

14-04-06, 14:17
Good luck with it all I hope it all goes well for you and keeping busy will take your mind off of the anxiety.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

14-04-06, 14:58
Hi Andrew

I think you have found the key to getting better from anxiety. Sometimes waiting on meds to take effect can have your life thinking of nothing else.
You sound like you have plenty to keep you busy with the house and I wish you all the best. You have a new focus and although it may be challenging you can do it.

All the best


........life is for living not just for surviving

14-04-06, 15:53

Bravo! I think just realizing that you need to be more active is a move in the right direction. YOU are choosing a better path by this route than by drinking and not taking the meds. I know you can do this and I think you will be surprised at how much better you will feel at having accomplished something rather than being so inactive.


14-04-06, 15:56
Hi Andrew,

Good luck with your house. I think you are right it will be good for you to have something to focus on. I'm glad you are persevering with the medication and I think you sound a little bit more positive in your post which is a good thing.

You really are moving forward.

Good luck

Coni X