View Full Version : What to do.......

25-04-11, 21:18
I've been on citalopram 20mg for about 2 months now.
Wasn't too keen on how it was making me feel.

Was feeling a lot better up until a week and a half ago!

Last weds I took 7 pills....140mg
normal dose thurs
Then on the Fri I took 9 pill(last of my dose)....180mg

I'm not entirely sure why I took so many....I was feeling really bad and thought if 1 happy pill hepled, 7/9 would help more! also I didn't care what happened if I did OD and I had researched and was confident I'd be fine!

Anyways since I took all my meds, I'm currently cold turkey since last Fri night....so now 9 days cold turkey!

The only symptoms I've noticed is some cold symptoms.....coughing, gunky chest, bit of a head cold! Didn't realise people experienced this when coming off the pills so thought it was a cold!
Also lot's of the weird nausea feelings I had constantly while on the pills!

So what do I do?
Go to the doc, tell him I OD and see what happens?
Or stay off the pills as I'm not particularly happy being on them anyway.

Many thanks for any info!


28-04-11, 16:38
Hi Chris,

It's really important to discuss this with your GP. If nothing else your doctor will need to discuss coming off the pills, withdrawal symptoms can be really unpleasant if done too quickly. It seems to me that the citalopram is working as effectively as you need it to if you are risking an overdose...

I hope you are feeling better xx