View Full Version : Introducing myself..

25-04-11, 21:39
Hi all,

I've posted on the site once or twice before but wanted to introduce myself properly..

I'm 23, bit unsure about using my real name so I'll stick with Betsy! I'm still not certain about my problems, they've caused me so much pain and confusion, but I think they're a mixture of depression and anxiety; I don't know which came first though. My symptoms include feeling everything so intensely and feeling generally sad; feeling detached from the world/mentally vacant; feeling inferior to peers and people in authority (which often makes social situations/job interviews/dates horrible experiences); feeling tense/mentally agitated; being really indecisive; and generally not really *feeling* any real emotion, like enjoyment, happiness. I could go on and on but I've probably waffled enough already!

I've finally planned to do something with my life and I'm going to university this year as a mature student. I want to feel well and mentally stable so I can get through it, and hell, even enjoy it! I hope by speaking to people on this site I can come to a better understanding of what's wrong with me so I can tackle my problems for good.

B x

25-04-11, 21:41
Hi Betsy88

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Vanilla Sky
25-04-11, 22:13
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

25-04-11, 23:06
Hi there! I think throwing yourself into University will be brilliant for you. You need to give your brain something else to focus on other than how your body/mind is feeling. You'll also grow in confidence as you meet and make friends with others on your course. They say that anxiety sufferers are often creative, intelligent people who aren't challenging themselves enough. I think you'll notice a definate decrease in these negative feelings when you start uni.
Good luck!