View Full Version : used to love weekends and bank holidays

25-04-11, 21:42
I used to love weekends and bank holidays but simply cant relax at all..
hate being a worrier and wish i could deal with things like most folk.
Feel like i cant think or talk about anything else and know my family are fed up listening to me waffle of.

had smear test done 6th april, nurse said everything looked perfect, spoke to gp the following week as was worried sick, she also said as im in the lowest risk group i have no reason to worry, i didnt have any symptoms, but im imagining them now, and so worried that my smear will come back with something wrong, cant get it out of my mind and know folk say no point in worrying but cant stop.. friends say that if anything was wrong would have heard by now but im not so sure if u do hear quicker if something is wrong although gp said that too...

25-04-11, 21:58
Hi Katie, sorry to hear you are feeling so worried. I had this a few months ago i was convinced I had cerivcal cancer!! have you tried to call your doctors to see i they have the results yet? nervewracking time i know but if they do have the results then you would know quicker that you are absoloutly fine!! I know it doesnt help to tell you to stop worrying, I know exactly how you feel, the weekends and bank holidays are always hard to deal with, I think subconsciously we are aware that services are nnot running as normal! Im sure you would have heard by now if there was something wrong its been a while hasnt it, I got my letter in the post to say the results were clear about a week after I had rung for results and dashed to see the emergency doctor to interpret them to me, the recepptionist would not give thm to me over the phone. I walked out of the surgery and had a loveley day, no more worries until that evening something else came along to worry about. I think we should focus more on our difficulties in handling anxiety, I have decided to do this as I cannot stand any more holidays/weekends or expereinces ruined by this disablement! I plan to tackle it head on now, do all i can to reduce any risk factors eg smoking, eating bad and going to the gym more. Relaxation techniques can help. I know that for now you just want reassurance about the smear and Im sure it will be fine but for now, while your waiting think about tackling your anxiety. I hope this helps, I am new to this site but certainly not new to health anxiety and Im on a mission to change my life for the better, finally defeated by the anxiety monster!!!

25-04-11, 22:20

Thank you for replying, im guessing its normal to fear the worst due to the anxiety and also guessing if i didnt have the anxiety i probably would believe the doctors and nurse!!

im new to this site too only found it in march, glad i did

I think i will go see my doctor on thursday as its my normal gp then.. how long did it take for your results mintxy? i know different parts of country take longer than others but just wondered

i think your right on tackling the anxiety and will do the same once i get this worry over with

thanks again and hope you keep positive
kate x

25-04-11, 23:32
my results didnt come in the post for around 3 weeks, but after 2 weeks i couldnt contain myself and called the surgery and got them. Dont worry you will be fine when you see your gp they will put your mind at rest!

25-04-11, 23:35
thanks so much i really hope so xx