View Full Version : Does anyone else do this

25-04-11, 22:27
Hi I was just wondering if anyone else did this and if there's a name for it. For about six or seven months I've been tracing out words with my finger usually on my leg or my other hand. The more stressed I get the more I do it. If I'm watching tv then at the same time I'll be writing down what the people on the screen are saying. Sometimes I'll just be writing what I'm thinking. I've been doing a lot of compulsive things for a long time but this is relatively new and it's getting on my husbands nerves. I would be grateful for any advice. Thank you

26-04-11, 06:06
I actually don't do that, I twitch instead. Whatever bugs me or embarrassed me, I flinch like I got scared from a thriller movie. :roflmao:When you say compulsive, it brings me to think about OCD. I'm no doctor, but compulsiveness is a sign of it. Maybe you do this as a distraction mechanism?

26-04-11, 12:26
I've had ocd since I was a little girl, have lots of things I feel compelled to do but this ones quite new. I went through cbt in 1997 but since I've been having panic attacks it's been harder to cope with. Whenever I try "flooding" I end up having repeated attacks. Just wondered if there was a name for it as sometimes it's easier to cope with if you know other people do it too.

26-04-11, 18:19
I do this!!! have done since I was little, but I draw pictures more, like when I see something I will draw it, using different fingers , for different colours. I guess I do it more when anxious, and worried to keep me busy. so don't worry you're not alone. I guess my advice is when you feel you are doing it sit on your hands or do something with them so that they can't do that. i normally do it when watching TV, when i notice, recently I have tired to stop cause it is annoying, by concentrating really har don the TV and concentrating so that I won't do it. Sorry that I am not much more help x

26-04-11, 21:34
Thank you it's a help just to know that someone else does it too.

15-05-11, 12:19
Yes - I do this. I write the words people say on TV in my head. Sometimes I trace them with my fingers. No idea why. I don't do it all the time but sometimes I just find myself doing it.

16-05-11, 01:31
I do this too. I "type" on my leg whatever is being said on tv or by others in the room with me. I started doing it 12 years ago when my cat was dying so I know it is just an attempt to deal with stress. When I am anxious it definitely is much worse.

16-05-11, 02:12
I do that sometimes too! I never considered it an OCD or anything, I thought it was just me fidgeting! I don't do it all the time and it doesn't worry me or bother me in the slightest. I suppose it's only a problem if you can't stop yourself doing it, if you do it all the time or if it distresses you in some way. Personally I wouldn't worry about it. It's no different to fidgeting with a pen or twiddling with your hair or whatever.