View Full Version : really really scared :(

26-04-11, 00:20
okay this is my 3rd subject on brain tumor worries now and i do apologise :(
but me and my boyfriend were texting and he mentioned something about next monday and i said whats happening next monday and he said cant be that good if you can't remember so now i'm panicking i've forgotten something i've said.
i remember everything else fine i remember all our conversations but i can't think to what i said about next monday at all.
i'm really starting to panic now i just can't think at all.
has anyone else had this before? :(
i've never been this forgetful especially with plans i'm in such a mess at the minute and i truly now do believe i have a brain tumor as headaches are now not my only symptom xxx

26-04-11, 02:19
Oh honey :hugs:It's totally normal to forget stuff. I do all the time and I'm sure it's anxiety that's making it worse. Sometimes I really cannot remember what i did yesterday and I wrack my brains trying to remember and it's awful because often it was something quite exciting! Anxiety sucks :weep: xxx

26-04-11, 03:41
Hi. It's normal to forget snippets of conversations and things we have said or done. Our brains can't possibly remember every detail of every conversation we've ever had can they?!! You may have just been distracted at the time, or maybe your anxiety made you lose concentration for a few moments. Whatever the reason, it's really nothing to worry about. :flowers:

26-04-11, 09:28
I can't even remember what I had for breakfast! :unsure:

Don't worry about it...everybody forgets things its natural, especially if your under a bit of stress.

Just hope its not your boyfriend's Birthday on Monday, then you will be in trouble! :roflmao:

26-04-11, 12:59
I forget stuff all the time. When I'm in the bath I forget what I've washed and what I haven't.

26-04-11, 15:03
Well turns out it was i was staying over at my boyfriends next monday, I didn't actually forget i just got my dates mixed up and thought it was 2 weeks away i was meant to be staying over :blush: but thanks for your responses, i suppose no sleep from worrying so much won't help my memory either thanks again everyone