View Full Version : im scared

14-04-06, 14:58
hi hope ur all ok i havnt been on here 4 ages ,but im nearly 9 months pregnant and just wanted to check somthin as iv been having panic attacks whilst pregnant,does anybody ever get like heart flutters like your hearts stopped for a few seconds im really scared that this is sum kind of heart problem and that wen im in labour my heart goin to stop and ill die iv also been havin chest pain in beetween my boobs and under my left boob ,plz anyone that has had these if u could just let me no thank u :D

14-04-06, 15:13
Hi Hanna, real nice to see you again, and I don’t think you should worry as you will be in safe hands and if there was anything wrong the hospital staff would be sure to see it, anyway you have had lots of medical check ups during pregnancy and nothing has shown up? At times I am exactly the same and so sure I have a heart problem. I have recently had an ECG and been to see a cardiac specialist who gave me a treadmill ECG and still clear. So I think these things are so strong in our minds and we really convince ourselves something is wrong. I went for eye surgery last year and I was 100% sure I would die from heart attack cos I was so scared. But I was wrong again and felt so good after it was over. You go and have your baby and let us know how you get on, you will be so happy when you see your new baby, Take care. Vernon