View Full Version : Panic Attack!

26-04-11, 02:30
Hey! I'm only 20 years old. And now and then I have panic attacks! Well I think they are panic attacks! I used to get them pretty much everyday but they calmed down! I still get them and I am wondering why! I've been to the doctors so many times! And they said I am fine! Obviously I am not if it is still going on! I really want to know what is up with me! I get tight chest, get shortness of breathe a lot! It's getting me down, I also get sharp pains under my left breast! Doctor checked me out and said I was fine. All this is stopping me from doing every day life and it's getting me really down! I am only young and I should be out there and not be thinking about when I'm next going to get my next panic attack! This is really scary! Will someone please help! xxx

26-04-11, 02:59
Hello Dori, sorry you are feeling so bad.

What did the doctor say about the panic attacks? I'm assuming when they said there is nothing wrong with you they mean physically. What have they suggested that you do about the panic?
