View Full Version : Can't face going to work today.

26-04-11, 02:40
I'm having a massive massive freak out...

Have been off citalopram for a year but due to getting worse and worse I want to go back on it. I had some left so have started taking half of my tablets in anticipation that the doctor will say that it's ok to restart and will give me more tablets.

My appointment is on thursday which leave two and a half days of work before I can even talk to the doctor.

I can't sleep, I'm so scared of going in today (been off for two weeks as it was easter). I'm a secondary school teacher and the kids are hardly going to be nice to me because i'm ill!

I don't know what to do...

26-04-11, 09:00
Haven't gone in as I'm so shattered.

Trying to get a doctors appointment for today but the receptionist is mean and scary...

I don't want to take time off work and let everyone down.

26-04-11, 10:40
Hi Spiral

It's always tough going back after a break when anxious, but usually I find it does get better after you've had the first day back. Get the doctors appointment arranged as soon as possible as you will feel better just knowing that you've sorted out any medication you need. Don't let yourself be intimidated by the receptionist, you have a good reason for wanting to see your doctor urgently!


26-04-11, 11:00
Managed to get doctors appointment and you are right, now that i've sorted my medication out I feel much better.

I love my job so it's really stupid that I can't face going in! I'm just going to have to go tomorrow whether I've slept or not. It's just so difficult to teach a rowdy group of teenagers when you're tired!

Thanks for replying - i was starting to feel that i didn't have a good reason to get an urgent appointment!

26-04-11, 11:15
Know the feeling. I am here now, heart pounding, need to get out of here!!

26-04-11, 11:25
You are at work now? What is your job?

Hope you feel better soon.

28-04-11, 23:25
Yes I was. I advise unemployed people. So i listen to others probs all day!!!

29-04-11, 08:30
Are you feeling any better today?

I managed to go in wednesday and yesterday and was fine once i was there :-)
Glad that now i have the long weekend to get a bit used to the meds!

29-04-11, 09:32
Well done for going in. Enjoy your long weekend

29-04-11, 10:29
Thanks :-)
Hope you have a good weekend too.