View Full Version : tachycardia

26-04-11, 03:01
I had another bad tachycardia episode today, this one lasted a good half an hour or longer. It usually doesn't take that long to get it to calm down. I ended up having to take a .5mg Ativan and left work. It really scared me. I thought I was going to have to go to the ER to get it to calm down. After driving around for awhile, it finally settled down. But, I think it must have been close to the times before like 160's for awhile.
Does anyone have this and does it last that long for you? I wonder how long this can happen without having damage.

26-04-11, 03:31
to be honest mine mainly goes up when I'm anxious, 150 bpm makes me feel awful!
When I was diagnosed with tachycardia, I went to my doctor who's nurse did an ECG, my heart rate was about 110/120, they told me to take 2 sedatives a day, so a few days later I went back for my 2nd ECG and my heart rate was 120/130.
So I had to go to the ER for more tests.
Now I'm not sure if my heart rate was that high ALL the time, but going to the doctor doesn't make me nervous and I was on sedatives for a few days and my heart rate was still a bit too high.
Did anything happen to set your heart off racing?

26-04-11, 04:22
I had just eaten a little bit. Every time I eat something my pulse goes up some (which I think is normal). But, I can feel it elevated and if I don't distract myself well enough, it just starts pounding and going very fast. Other times it can happen if I am out doing things, like taking my dog out, or in a grocery store, those kinds of things. Normally, once I get out of that situation, it slows down. This time I left work with it and I just had an awful time trying to get it to calm down.

26-04-11, 05:26
Sometimes I don't realize when mine is a bit high, but I do notice when I get the palpations, pounding,hard,missed beats etc... and those I find are harder to ignore as it feels like I just ran a mile!

26-04-11, 08:51

yes i have had this where mine has been beating for an hour like this my pulse was 178 and my bp 165/109 really scarey. It beats so hard my chest feel tight, my hands go tingly, cant breath its horrible. I have only had it like this 3 times in about 3 years.

hope this helps you.


26-04-11, 12:36
Was there anything you did that helps it slow down?

26-04-11, 17:26
Hi joe i get this waking me out a sleep and its been 160 ,its happened quite a few times and it has lasted over 1 hour ,it is totally terryfing .I am constantly told its panic .It has made me go to a&e many times.I dont know how to stop it but losing the fear of it is prob the way to beat it,although i know this is very difficult.Hope you are a bit better.kind regards molly

27-04-11, 02:10
Did go to work today. Could feel my pulse go up there some, so did take a .25mg ativan, which is a very small amount. Talked to the clinic, and they stated to take the ativan when I need to and also take one half to one of my beta-blockers if I can't get the rate to come down. They say there is nothing wrong with my heart. I know the Nurse Practitioner would prefer I start taking my ativan again regularly, but I am trying to take it just as needed. Tonight after I ate a little, I could feel my pulse go up again, and sure enough it started pounding and racing. Of course, the panic hits you. I took a .25mg Ativan, and got and my car and took a drive to help to distract me. Within about 15 minutes it came back down so so far didn't have to take the beta-blocker. I have a luncheon meeting at work tomorrow that I have to give a report at (talking in front of people has never bothered me, it's the pounding heart/panic that scares me now. Like...what if my heart starts pounding during the meeting? You know all about the What If's. I sometimes feel I need to find a less stressful job.

27-04-11, 23:34
Did get through the meetings today. During the one that I had to give a report, my heart started pounding and I thought I may have to leave and take an ativan, but it slowed down and my report went well. My pulse has just been rising and lowering all day. I feel fine one second and then all of a sudden I feel this sense of panic with my heart rate starting to elevate and I get panicky and have to really distract myself so it doesn't start racing and pounding bad. Last evening after I ate some, it started pounding and I had to take some ativan and went for a short drive to calm it down. Does anyone else have this happen, where your pulse goes fast and then you calm down and then a little later it happens again? How about after you eat?

lucy devine
28-04-11, 04:25
i used to have this where after my dinner i would expect my heart to start racing etc but i just put it down to anxiety and the expectation of it being there
i hope you are ok xx

28-04-11, 07:22
YEs when my anxiety was worst my heart rate would be 120 at rest

29-04-11, 00:47
Thanks for all your replies.

29-04-11, 00:56
I had a bit of a panic today and heart rate was 150, but after I calm down it went to 90.
Also had a lot of palpations which are so irritating, my chest felt weird almost like it was empty! Kept feeling breathless to which I so do not like.
Hope your ok x

29-04-11, 03:07
I've just been making myself stay at work and trying to distract myself and keep busy when my heart rate starts to go up.
Every time I eat something, it goes up some and then I can panic. I had that really bad last year and lost a lot of weight. I put my weight back on over the last several months, but now it's bothering me when I eat again. Anybody else have this? It's so annoying, because I am hungry.

29-04-11, 03:13
I hear it's very common though, eating sets off a bunch of reactions which in turn can set off your tachycardia.
I don't know what you could do about it, unless you try beta blockers .

29-04-11, 23:11
Does anyone else get this after you eat? I can feel my pulse elevated and then if I can't get my mind off of it, it just starts pounding and I have a panic attack. All I have to do is just eat a little bit. Is this anxiety? My doctor knows about it, but doesn't seem concerned about it.

blue moon
30-04-11, 02:00
Hello ...I have Bradycardia,my pulse rate drops to 50,49 and feel dizzy and tired.It very scary at times,my cardiologist said maybe pacemaker put in.I know not same thing as you but relate to how you feel
Love Petra x:flowers:

30-04-11, 16:16
Anyone else get tachycardia after eating? Even just a small amount?

30-04-11, 16:44
Yes Jo I have had that and it's all down to post prandrial release of adrenalin. Have you ever considered you may have some form of acid reflux and it's the vagus nerve in your oesophagus that is starting off these palpitations. I was prescribed a Proton Pump Inhibitor and after about 8 weeks it all stopped. A few months later I came off them and after about three weeks it all started again so for me it was acid reflux stimulating a damaged oesophagus. If you get heart burn that may be the reason.
I was re prescribed a PPI Lansoprazole low dose and since then no further issues. One thing of note you can get silent reflux where there is hardly any sensation of acid reflux but the damage to the lining of your oesophagus is immense. Just a thought what do you think.

30-04-11, 22:45
I always get dizzy when I'm eating a big meal, but only put two and two together today!