View Full Version : Have you ever had to go into hospital for an operation?

26-04-11, 07:41
I'm to go into hospital for a small heart operation, I've put it of 2 times already, If I put it of again I won't be offered it again. Basically what I am worried about is being sedated. I'm worried about my anxiety kicking in and it making me go crazy and running around the hospital like a mad man. I realise that is probably silly but its been enough to make me put it off in the past. I was sedated once as a child when having a dye test but I didn't have anxiety back then, I remember waking up and feeling like I was in a dream, sort of like depersonalisation, and I certainly don't want that again.

And to make matters worse, I heard of a neighbour, a sane right thinking man, he went into hospital as his appendix burst they gave him some sort of drug to sedate him, a nurse caught him trying to commit suicide by jumping out a window:scared15:

So basically I need some reassurance?

26-04-11, 09:06
I've been sedated since I've had panic attacks and was absolutely fine.

Hated it loads as I really can't stand being out of my own control. Was convinced that due to the amount of adrenaline in my body and having palpitations that they wouldn't be able to sedate me but I was out like a light. He counted down from 5 and I can't remember past 3...

Don't put it off any longer, it will be such a relief once you've got it done!

I didn't enjoy it and i'm sure you won't either really but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

26-04-11, 10:29
Hiya Sam. yes i have had to undergo an operation 4 months ago and i worked myself up so much i was absolutely terrified. Once into conversation with the anaesthetists i felt so calm even thou 2 mins earlier i was all but saying goodbye to my hubby and best mate, you can do this no matter how hard it seems. I really hope it goes ok for you and please pop back and let us know how it went. I am now building myself up becos i have to have a colonoscopy in 2 days so i know once again how you feel.
..... take care .. sharon

26-04-11, 11:01
Hi sam

I was absolutely terrified when I went in, imagining all sorts of things, but the sedation is so good it really does knock you out and you won't be aware of anything until you come round. You'll feel so much better once you've done it as you only contiue to worry when you put it off. Be brave, you will be fine!


26-04-11, 15:22
And when you come around do you feel anxious? I know with a hangover once the drink wears of I can hardly sit still I am so anxious.

26-04-11, 15:31
I didn't feel anxious at all. There was a nurse there when I woke up to make sure I was OK. I was very thirsty and he gave me some water.

They gave me a sedative before they actually took me into the place where I was anaesthetised and I think that was in my system for quite a while later.

My (now) husband and a friend came to sit with me after the operation was over until they let me go home. Knowing he would be there to take me home made me much less stressed.

26-04-11, 15:43
All I remember when coming round is feeling relieved it was all over. I didn't feel particularly anxious, in fact my muscles were so relaxed I ended up straining my back by trying to sit up while still waiting for the effects to wear off. As I came round I was half aware of some kind of weird dream I'd just had, that was all I could remember. I would be surprised if you woke up anxious because your body is so relaxed when you've been under, but I'm no expert and everyone is different.
