View Full Version : alone

14-04-06, 15:04
Hi all, I thought I was really over the biggest part of anxiety symptoms, but My wife, daughter and son (who is driving) have gone to Preston for 2 days, today Friday lunchtime until Sunday evening. My youngest 18year old is left here with me but kids they do go out. Her Dad is pretty Ill and I know she should see him as often as she can which isn’t very often. She wanted to stay with me knowing I have anxiety but I insisted she should go, as with her Dad old and Ill you never know if it will be the last time for her to see him. But I thought I would be ok but now I am shaking and very anxious, and close to like a panic attack, I am not going to let it get into a panic attack but I do feel terrible and it’s only daytime yet. Hope there is a few in chartroom tonight LOL maybe that will take my mind off it. I could easily have a couple of drinks tonight but I stopped drink 2 and a half years ago after using drink daily and heavy for over 40 years to hide my fears, but in the past 2 and a half years I have learned to overcome lots of fears without drink (don’t want to get back to relying on drink). Anyway thanks all for listening and I did really think I would be ok alone, but it don’t seem that way. I guess I should arrange for us to be apart for short periods more often as one day one of us will be left alone. Before anxiety I used to like time alone to get things done and have some peace, but now its so different I suppose its our fault as we are so close for hubby and wife and do just about everything together. Take care all. Vernon

14-04-06, 15:23
Hi vernon

You are not alone you have got us - I know its not the same but as I spend each week from a wed until a sat on my own as my daughter lives with her dad on these days I know what you are going through. Since becoming ill with anxiety I always had someone at home with me but I split from my hubby and left family home and it is amazing how you learn to cope. If you have a panic attack, the only person who can make it better is YOU, no-one else, yes it is reassuring to have people around but it is YOU that comes through the anxiety.

Take care vernon and popping on chat tonight is a good idea


........life is for living not just for surviving

14-04-06, 15:27
HI vernon
i don't post often,
but i just wanted to send you a big
((((((((((((hug )))))))))))))
to let you know im thinking of you,
i think its lovely that you and your wife
are so close,so this must be hard for you,
sorry not much help ,
take care denisexxx


14-04-06, 15:34
Thank you both, and denise yes it is a help thank you

14-04-06, 16:02

Sorry to hear you are going through such a bad time. Yes, I think going in the chatroom might help. If you and your wife never spend any time apart, this may just be the cause of your anxiety right now! I think it is so very smart of you to not fall back on the drinking as it is never the answer. I'm sorry I don't have any answers but I hope I will be in chatroom when you are in there for support.


14-04-06, 16:14
Hi Vernon

Sorry to hear you are not doing so well, reading your post you have done so well and achieved so much and I promise you this weekend will be another achivement for you, it is so hard to be alone isnt it, I am 32 years old and often run to my mums at all times of the night during panic,

You have the right idea with the chat room, I find distraction really helps, have a good evening and hope you feeling better

Take Care

Wendy xx

14-04-06, 16:18
Hi Vern

Long time no hear!!

Sorry you are struggling today. Remember though that we are with you in spirit at least. Use the chat room, post on the forum and find as many things as you can to distract yourself.

We are here for you.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

14-04-06, 17:09
Vern hun, get on MSN if you need a chat you know I am always about.



Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

14-04-06, 17:34
thanks all so much :)

14-04-06, 18:14
Hi Vernon

Hope 2nite goes ok, i know how you feel I was going to do a post about this-when im with people i want my own space and when im on my own i want company ( confused!!! ) Im on my own this weekend alot as well boyf works unsociable hours!. Im just trying to keep myself busy-the house has never looked so clean LOL.

Take Care!


14-04-06, 18:32
Thanks, I am the same just jet washed the back yard now bored again, but tired lol

14-04-06, 20:22
Hi Vern,
i haven't spoken to you for a while now in chat but i am sending you lots of HUGS!!! Hopefully the time will fly by and they will be back before you know it!
take care, kt xxxxxx:D

Be gentle and you will need no strength, be patient and you will achieve all things.

14-04-06, 20:51
Thanks KT :):)

14-04-06, 21:00
Hi Vernon

How kind of you to think of your wife like that even though you are suffering hun, just shows what a lovely person you are.

You will get over this weekend anxious or not anxious and then you can look back and think YES I CAN DO IT!!!! (which you can)! It will be your first milestone in being able to be alone - then next time you won't feel so anxious.

I know from our occasional chats in the chatroom what a cheerful sole you are and it rubs off and makes others feel good so I'm sure everyone will enjoy your company in there tonight!!!!

Keep positive

Love Pinky

14-04-06, 22:16
Thanks pinky :)

15-04-06, 15:03
Hi Vern. Only just spotted your post ( i live in a different computor world from the rest of you) old age, i think.(Mind you Vern. I believe you are so much older than me hey?) Sorry you feel so awful, you are a caring husband and dad, and why not spend all of your time together as husband and wife? That's what marriage is all about, each to their own, some people like to do seperate things, others just love to be together all the time, worry about being seperated when the time comes mate Keep doing bits and bobs around the house/garden. Lots of t.v/music/videos, relaxing baths/phone calls/chat room/ helping people here,sleep when you want, eat when you want, try not to think about the 'demon' alcohol, i respect you so much for how you gave that up, and you ain't going to let jeannie carlin down now are you???????speak soon mate. xxjean

15-04-06, 16:40
Hi Vern,

Just to let you know im thinking of you, i hope so far hasnt been as bad as you imagined it would be,

only one day to go
take care pet big hug xx

kairen x

15-04-06, 16:40

Hope you are doing ok. I am on MSN if you need a mate.

Take care.


15-04-06, 18:08
Verny - you're doing ok mate and she will be home before you know it.

Meanwhile here's a big hug (((((((((((((((V)))))))))))))))

Love Piglet xxxx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

15-04-06, 20:02
Hi vern, just read your post, hope youa re OK tonight, and took up peoples offer of going into chat and msn.xxx

15-04-06, 21:16
Hi Vern,

Been out all day so seeing your post now. I hope that things have calmed down for you now. You just have to let these attacks pass and try and address the underlying issues.

Being on msn or chat is great, but these can be quiet places during the daytime. Perhaps we ought to have a thread here for those wanting to be in the chat room at the same time for mutual support?

Remember, you won't be alone this time tomorrow!

Take Care mate,


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

15-04-06, 22:05
Hi Vernon

Ive only just seen your post too. I hope you having been doing ok today. As the others have already said you will always have that extra bit of support here.

Thinking of you

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

May Day
15-04-06, 22:13
Hi Vernon

I just saw this post too ... hope you've been ok while you wife was away ... you were very considerate of her feelings in letting her go knowning you would be alone for two days

Take care


The brightest, sunniest day may follow the darkest, stormiest night ... enjoy the sun

16-04-06, 21:11
Thanks all so much, Carling I did stop drink for 2 and a half years, but on my brothers B/day party on febuary I decided I would have an odd drink now I have got it out of my sytem, so i decided a drink once a week to see friends and have a laugh/chat would be ok. Well last night Sat was my out night, My wife or one of my kids always take me there and bring me back, It isnt far but with my sight problem and it being dark I havnt been anywhere alone for years, Anyway I was sitting at home last night and thought, to hell with it I am not disabled I am going out alone (even when i told my wife on the phone she wasnt keen on it) I went out and got on a bus, (i havnt been on a bus for about 4 years and then wasnt alone) I had my 3 drinks then got a bus home, I was so proud after not being ont alone in years to catch a bus and go out. I even went alone to tesco to get some shopping that afternoon. thanks all . Vernon

16-04-06, 22:12
Verny that is incredible - are you going to do a success post about it.

You just turned the whole weekend around - utterly gob smacking!!!!

Nice one mate :D:D:D:D:D

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

16-04-06, 22:24
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi all, I thought I was really over the biggest part of anxiety symptoms, but My wife, daughter and son (who is driving) have gone to Preston for 2 days, today Friday lunchtime until Sunday evening. My youngest 18year old is left here with me but kids they do go out. Her Dad is pretty Ill and I know she should see him as often as she can which isn’t very often. She wanted to stay with me knowing I have anxiety but I insisted she should go, as with her Dad old and Ill you never know if it will be the last time for her to see him. But I thought I would be ok but now I am shaking and very anxious, and close to like a panic attack, I am not going to let it get into a panic attack but I do feel terrible and it’s only daytime yet. Hope there is a few in chartroom tonight LOL maybe that will take my mind off it. I could easily have a couple of drinks tonight but I stopped drink 2 and a half years ago after using drink daily and heavy for over 40 years to hide my fears, but in the past 2 and a half years I have learned to overcome lots of fears without drink (don’t want to get back to relying on drink). Anyway thanks all for listening and I did really think I would be ok alone, but it don’t seem that way. I guess I should arrange for us to be apart for short periods more often as one day one of us will be left alone. Before anxiety I used to like time alone to get things done and have some peace, but now its so different I suppose its our fault as we are so close for hubby and wife and do just about everything together. Take care all. Vernon

<div align="right">Originally posted by vernon - 14 April 2006 : 16:04:02</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

16-04-06, 22:57
Well Done Vern,

Post in success stories deffo - what a star!


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

17-04-06, 12:28
thanks all

17-04-06, 23:27

Well done! What a turnaround to turn what you thought would be a bad weekend into a trip out! I agree a success story!
