View Full Version : Half-raw chicken juice in my mouth!

26-04-11, 11:19
I was cooking some chicken stir fry strips (from frozen) and some of the juice sprayed up and into my (apparently hanging open) mouth, I immediately spat it out, rinsed my mouth out with water and listerine and water again, but now I'm freaking out about being poisoned (I have terrible anxiety about food poisoning).

I'm also trying to avoid Evil Dr. Google.:blush:

26-04-11, 11:31
I did (almost) the same thing on friday; but with petrol!

Yeah, I don't really understand how I managed to spray petrol into my mouth at the petrol station but it happened.

It was at the beginning of a long journey and I spent several hours worrying that I was poisoned and was going to pass out and crash on the motorway. Despite the fact that I didn't actually swallow any of the petrol - could taste it for ages after though. Unsurprisingly I was fine and that tiny amount of petrol didn't poison me.

I think it's unlikely that you would get food poisoning. What makes you so anxious about food poisoning? Is it the vomiting?

26-04-11, 11:48
I did (almost) the same thing on friday; but with petrol!
Petrol has such a strong smell, that would have been horrible.

I think it's unlikely that you would get food poisoning. What makes you so anxious about food poisoning? Is it the vomiting?

No, vomiting doesn't bother me at all. I'm not sure, I think it's just a general fear of "being sick" (and I guess, death).

It sounds silly when I write it out, but anxiety isn't logical is it?

26-04-11, 11:53
not logical at all :-(

I'd have thought even if it did make you sick that it wouldn't be serious from a small amount of chicken juice. If you were frying it the juice was probably too hot for germs anyway. Don't know much about chicken juice I'm afraid though as i'm veggie!

26-04-11, 16:03
Hi Pipistrel, the others are right, you don't need to worry. The juice would almost certainly be cooked already, as Spiral said, so killing anything bad. And, even if it wasn't, you rinsed it out straight away so it won't have got into your system. And, even if you missed some, the amount in there wouldn't be enough to do any harm. You'll be fine :-)