View Full Version : is this good or bad?

26-04-11, 11:47
If anyone is familiar with my previous posts, i have been a bag of nerves for past 3 weeks.. i got smear test taken on 6th april, nurse said everything looked perfectly healthy etc.. due to HA i cant seem to believe that, spoke to gp 10 days ago and she said if anything was wrong i would have heard, again believe it at the time but days later i worry again..
had worst weekend ever worried constantly and can hardly function today had no sleep and cant eat feel sick with worry waiting for these results.
my sister phoned up to speak to nurse who took my smear and said how bad my anxiety is today, and was there anything she could do to help etc.. nurse knows our family and about my HA, told my sister that as far as she is concerned there is nothing to worry about, and that when she did the smear she was very happy with the location and health of my bits, however had she not been happy and had thought something was wrong she would have said, and added that in our area if something is wrong the labs let the gp's know within 10 days or so.
and as i hadnt heard anything then im not going to hear till normal results come through is tis good or not?

26-04-11, 15:27
Hi hun :D:hugs:

Ohhh, the waiting game can be soo hard :hugs: its only natral to have some concerns but because you have anxiety Mrs anxiety has blown in all up, I really feel for you right now :hugs:

It is true that they are very quick on the ball when it comes to abnormal results, but when they are fine, this takes longer. The FACT you have not heard anything is good news hun, mine took a good while before I got the letter saying all clear.

YOU WILL hear from them soon :hugs: