View Full Version : The City of Regrets.

26-04-11, 13:29
I'm not really sure whether to post this in the Health or General Anxiety Forum being as this can affect our health. However, I have therefore posted here.
(Admin please feel free to move if necessary).

Leaving the City of Regrets.
I had made no plans to take a trip at this time of year, and yet I found myself packing rather hurriedly. This trip was going to be unpleasant and I knew in advance that no real good would come of it.

I was taking my annual 'Guilt Trip.'

I had bought my tickets to fly there on Wish I Had Airlines. It was an extremely short flight. I had all my baggage already with me as I did not check it in being as I always carry it myself everywhere. It was weighted down with over a thousand memories of what might have been. No one greeted me as I entered the terminal of Regret International Airport. I say International because people from all over the world come to this dismal place.

As I checked into The Last Resort Hotel, I noticed that they would be hosting this years most important event, The Annual Pity Party. This is one event I never miss being as there are always so many people there. My Social Anxiety always remains dormant during the entire duration of this party because of the large amount of 'doom and gloom' in the atmosphere.

Firstly, there would be the three members of the Done family (Should Have, Would Have and Could Have). Then came the I Had family (you probably already know old Wish and his clan). Of course, the Opportunities would all be there including the two new additions (Lost and Missed). The largest family are always the Yesterday's and there are always far too many to mention, but they all have a sad story to tell.

At the far end of the hall the Shattered Dreams would always make an appearance and followed swiftly by the well known and much loved It's Their Fault who never fails to amuse us with stories of how things have failed in his life. Each story being loudly applauded by Don't Blame Me and I Couldn't Help It (who incidently are planning to get married this winter when the weather turns colder and miserable, so some good news there)!

Well, to cut a long story short, I went to this depressing party knowing full well that there would be no benefit whatsoever and, as usual I became very depressed. But, as I thought about all of the stories of failure about the past, it suddenly occured to me that this particular trip (and all subsequent trips) to the Pity Parties, could in actual fact be cancelled by ME!

I started to truly realise that I do NOT have to be there.

I did NOT have to be depressed.

One thought did keep going through my mind.

I can be happy, joyous, fulfilled, encouraged, as well as encouraging.

Knowing this, I left the City of Regret immediately and left no forwarding address. I am sorry for the mistakes I have made in the past but there is no physical way I know of undoing them.

Therefore, If you are planning a trip to the City of Regret, please cancel any reservations now. Instead, start planning a trip to a little place called Starting Again. It's closer than you think and you can be there in no time at all.

I liked it so much, I now live there permanently. My neighbours, the I Forgive Myself's and the New Starts are so very helpful. By the way, you don't have to carry around heavy baggage because the load is lifted from your shoulders upon arrival.

God bless you in finding this town. If you can't find it, it's on the map in your heart!

Please look me up when you get here.

I live in I Can Do It Street.

PS. Sadly, the What If family never turn up!


Credits must go to Larry Harp.
Additional words by Horse.

26-04-11, 14:37
Horse :)
that is a wonderful uplifting post ............just reading that now has given me a surge of optimism and self belief .
made me smile too
thank you ....going to print it off and keep it by me for those pitty pot days .x

26-04-11, 14:48
Super post Horse.
Put a smile on my face and made me realise I CAN and I WILL get through this!!
Thank you. :D

26-04-11, 14:51
Hi Horse :D:hugs:

Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I have always found post like these very uplifting and meaningful.

When I was acute, I made a point of going in search for motivational and inspirational quotes, saying,and stories MMmm THIS IS A GREAT ONE, never read this before :yesyes:



26-04-11, 16:50
Thanks Horse I think that most of us can relate to this so well. I hope that I can join you in Starting Again soon.

paula lynne
26-04-11, 18:47
Great piece :yesyes:of writing as always Horse x

blue moon
26-04-11, 21:55
That very good Horse,good to start my day off with.
Love Petra x:D

27-04-11, 19:11
What a beautiful and inspirational post, i wish you a long and happy life on starting again street. x

27-04-11, 21:25
Love it :) x

27-04-11, 21:41
Horse :D

Fabulous post as always, and just what i needed to read.


di xx

27-04-11, 22:18
Oooh, I like this Horse!

28-04-11, 08:09
Many thanks for all your replies.


28-04-11, 12:01
Hello Horse
Many thanks for your uplifting post. You have made me feel a lot better today.
I will get them jobs done I have been avoiding for weeks
All the best:yesyes: