View Full Version : Advise Needed

26-04-11, 14:20

I passed my motorbike test nearly two years ago and now have a Suzuki SV650 in fab yellow.
I have riden my motorbike a few times last year and twice so far this year.
My problem is I can only do this when I take beater blockers so that I calm down enough so that I can fully concentrate and enjoy riding my bike.
I don't want to continue taking beater blockers everytime I want to go on my bike.

Any advice/suggestions

Michelle x

26-04-11, 14:24
Are you positive this is the right form of transport for you if you are uncertain regarding your level of concentration? I am thinking of the safety aspect here.

26-04-11, 14:58
Hello Horse,

My reason for getting a motorbike is because I like the ride, my boyfriend has one and I always go on the back of his ... then one day thought that I would go for it and get one of my own. So I can go out at weekends as a hobbie.

I wanted to go on my bike a few weeks ago and was my usual nervous self ... couldn't eat, diaohrea, feeling sick .... but thought once I am on my nerves will go away .... few miles down the road and me and my boyfriend stopped and he asked me how I was feeling, I said not good and that I wanted to go home. I wanted to cry there and then because of my anxiety but new I had to stay calm and focused until I got home, otherwise my boyfriend would not let me back on.

It's hard to explain .. once I have taken the beater blockers I feel fine and enjoy my ride. If I don't take them I feel like I am focused but not focused and have negative thoughts running round my head.

Michelle x

26-04-11, 15:07
Bloody hell Michelle, feeling sick AND diarrhea.
Presumably your boyfriend always rides in front!

26-04-11, 15:07
Hi Michelle :D:hugs:

Ohhhh a bike, YOU GO GIRL :yesyes:

Mmmm I can't even be a passenger on a bike my bottle goes :ohmy::wacko: hehe, but thats me, :roflmao:

Horse is right, there is the safety side of thing,s BUT, if this is a challenge for you and its REALLY what you want to do, then, you NEED to build you confidence up with this hun

Building confidence takes time, the slower you go with building your confidence the better.

You can take a refresher course, this may help, do you have somewhere to go you can go off road, ? if there is no traffic about you can build up you confidence with just the biKe, without the distractions of traffic, over time, you can work up to find quiet roads.

Hun, slow exposer to something works, but it takes a lot of hard work and time, if this is something you really want to do, be patient with yourself and work on things very slow, your confidence WILL build and in future YOU OOOOFFFFFF WEEEEEE WITH THE WIND IN YOUR HAIR :yesyes::roflmao:

you can do this :yesyes:

Hope this has been of some help, good luck,


26-04-11, 15:15
Hi Horse,

LOL ... yes my boyfiend is always in front :roflmao:

Hi Jill,

Thanks for your comments ... I was thinking the other day whether to get in touch with the company I learnt to ride with to do something like a refresher course.
I will have a good think.


Michelle x