View Full Version : Zig zag vision

macc noodle
26-04-11, 15:20
Any advice on this please ?

On Easter Sunday - had really bad zig zag lines in my vision which did not go even when I closed my eyes - lasted about 10 mins and boy did it send my panic into full orbit (even had to get my paper bag out) - I have suffered HA on and off for years with bad panic attacks but NEVER had this!

Full blown anxiety ranging from brain tumour to stroke (all in 10 mins).....

Now I am waiting for it to return - it is driving me nuts - do I need to see the doc or is it just another cross to bear with my wonky hormones???


paula lynne
26-04-11, 16:31
Sounds like migraine which can be zig zag or flashing lights....best go to your gp to get it checked, its easily treatable. I get them and its hard not to panic I agree, hopefully this is a one off. They are usually triggered by stress or hormones. There is also a link with atmoshperic pressure change......going from sun to thunder and rain, which apparently is happening in a day or two. Maybe see your optician too if you can.
Paula x:wacko:

macc noodle
26-04-11, 16:48
Thanks Paula for the reply.

On the day in question I had had to go to A&E to meet an ambulance bringing my niece in who had fallen from her horse on a cross country trail - I suffer absolute terror of hospitals and seeing her being lowered out of the ambulance all wired up and strapped in scared me hugely and then I had to wait with her until her mum arrived. So I think it might have been down to that.

But, think I will go and see my GP just to check it out (although I have an absolute terror of the docs too :weep:).

Still, if it stops me fretting about it then I shall have to - won't I!!!!!

Thanks once again.


paula lynne
26-04-11, 18:34
It may have been the intensity of the situation then Jan, but if its your first experience of this, its always better to see a doctor. Us girls and our complicated hormones eh! I know the docs is scary...(I had to go for a second round of blood tests today due to elevated white blood cells and like an IDIOT I started reading the poster on cholesterol probs, which I have...and yes, within 3 mins I had massive anx and tingling, thought I was going to faint....got in car....fine within 2 mins...) Just goes to show...its not pleasant, but you can get through it love!

Best wishes, Paula x:hugs:

26-04-11, 18:47
Hi i had this happen once out of the blue ,It scared me to death like you said it only lasted around 10 mins,i rang opticians and doctors right away thinking i was having a stroke or something and alls it is is a migrain aura n u dont even need get a headache with it ,so its nothing to worry about

26-04-11, 22:14
Definitely sounds like a migraine aura. I've had 4 in the last 3 years. Very scary the first time - I went to A&E cos it lasted 30 mins and made me lose my peripheral vision! Zig zags in flashing colours that grew slowly until they were outside my field of vision, then a bad headache later (but not everyone gets that bit, like not everyone with migraine headaches gets the aura!) Try not to dwell on it happening again. My dad has only had them twice in his life - about 30 years apart! X

26-04-11, 22:34
The first time this happened to me - it scared the life out of me.

The Silent Migraine

Silent migraine is a very unusual phenomena. It is a migraine that doesn't include a headache, you just experience the aura . And as weird as that may sound, it's actually not all that unusual.
What are Other Names for This Type of Migraine Headache?

Historically, this type of migraine without aura has gone by other names, including acephalgic migraine, sans-migraine, migraine equivalent, eye migraine, visual migraine, ocular migraine, painless migraine. Today it's most often called migraine aura without headache. The Symptoms of a Silent Headache or Migraine

Typical symptoms of these very different types of headaches consist only of the aura which is just typically the visual event. This might include seeing zig zags or flashing lights, or having dizziness or vertigo. It's estimated that only about 10-15% of migraineurs experience the aura. There are actually a host of possible symptoms that can hit, usually before a headache stage, such as slurred speech, numbness, pain in other parts of your body such as in the face or on the skin, and ringing in the ears

27-04-11, 01:01
I've posted re: this subject on another thread. You should be able to find the thread through the search option or "all post by me"
