View Full Version : Thought it'd be rude not to say hello!

26-04-11, 16:23
Hi all,

I was linked to this forum earlier today and I must say it seems like a great place where decent people can talk and get support with their problems.

I'm a 24 year old guy living in the south-east of England. I have been suffering from depression for several years now, and it's build up to the point where I had to go and see a doctor about two months ago, and am now taking SSRIs (with the dosage upped recently due to lack of effects.. Typical). I feel the main contributing factors are <social> anxiety, loneliness and hopelessness/lack of self worth or self esteem and lack of desire to do things I once loved.. Simple things like listening to music or working on my cars, or doing things surrounding my love for cars in general. I sure hope I can change somehow, because it just feels like I'm at the bottom of a big black vertical tunnel with no ladder to climb out of, and the 'light' getting further and further away... But hey ho, I'm slowly starting to accept certain inevitabilities surrounding my life.

So yeah.. I could honestly go on for hours vomiting the contents of my mind onto my keyboard... But I'll stop there for now. Feel free to ask me anything you want to know, though!


26-04-11, 16:25
Hi H_87

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

paula lynne
26-04-11, 16:34
Hi H 87, welcome aboard, youll find lots of help and support here and meet some great people.
Paula x :welcome:

26-04-11, 16:56
Hi H 87

You will find loads of people here that you can relate to.

I too have struggled for years and only admitted to friends and the doctor how low I was feeling.

Like you I suffer from social anxiety and a really low self-esteem.

I am trying to get back into my hobby which has been my passion for many years but I am finding it really tough at the minute.

Hopefully once we both start to feel less depressed the enjoyment will come back.

Nice to meet you.

Vanilla Sky
26-04-11, 22:18
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

27-04-11, 11:22

Thought I would say hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:, hope you will find this site useful and make some new friends along the way.

My name is Anita and I suffer with depression and various anxiety problems.


27-04-11, 12:46
Thank you for the welcome everyone, it means a lot :)

27-04-11, 18:44
Hi there, my name is Emily I've come across this site today cause im feeling pretty ill from stupidly not taking my cytoplam tablets

28-04-11, 23:55
Hi H_87,

I'm a similar age - 23 - and live in the south west. I understand what you're saying, I feel like I suffer from the same factors as you. If you fancy a chat, feel free to inbox me :) x