View Full Version : Just Checking In

26-04-11, 19:02
Hi everyone,

Haven't posted in awhile, but wanted to share something good.

Two weekends ago, there was an outdoor book festival in town. I go every year, but the last four years could not manage to stay more than an hour and even then my anxiety was so strong that every moment was excruciating.

This year, things were different. My nerves were relatively calm for the three hours I was at the festival, one or two small bobbles but nothing that couldn't be overcome. In fact, I had several extended periods during those three hours in which I felt perfectly normal and was able to actually enjoy myself.

Not bad for somebody who has suffered with panic attacks and agoraphobia for the last several years, huh?

Of course, today is a little different - my anxiety is manifesting as a big, dark thundercloud over my head that makes me jittery and extremely irritable. As a matter of fact, I've cursed out my laptop three times today so far and probably will do so again shortly. http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/images/icons/icon10.gif

I have about an hour's worth of work left and I'm done for the day. After that, I'm going to get out into the sun for a little while and see if the rays can sweeten my disposition.

Hope all of you guys are doing well.

26-04-11, 19:57
Well done you. What a huge achievement

27-04-11, 16:47
well done remember good and bad days :yesyes:

27-04-11, 17:30
Well done :)